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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Tax LawThai Companies And Tax: Streamlining Income?

Thai Companies And Tax: Streamlining Income?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing companies, I'm specifically talking about this in the context of SMEs. These are companies utilized by folks that come out here; they will set up a Thai company in order to basically maintain Work Permit and Visa status but also do business either here in Thailand or regionally but we are talking kind of about a small business kind of setup. 

We assist a number of so-called digital nomads and consultants, content creators, people that work online and these corporate structures are set up in such a way to be conducive to their type of business model.

Something to bear in mind with respect to this - especially under the current climate where everybody is talking about Thai Tax all the time - is a Thai Company can be a really effective tool for doing what I call ‘streamlining’ income. What I mean to say by that is if you are already making money and you live abroad and you want to live in Thailand, utilizing a company is a really effective way of maintaining oneself here, paying in to taxes, getting on track for things like Permanent Residence and Citizenship but something to bear in mind is again as we have discussed, where this rescission of the memo associated with timing of inbound monies coming into Thailand and tax accessibility and tax liability associated therewith, we are looking at a situation wherein a Company might be the optimal way to maintain oneself in Thailand because the corporate income is very clearly the corporation's income and then what one pays themselves is very clearly the income that one pays themselves in Thailand. This can get rid of a lot of kind of sticky wicket kind of situations involving revenue streams coming into Thailand that aren't necessarily as clearly accounted for.

So for a lot of different reasons, it's a good idea in my opinion, if you are looking to live in Thailand, do business here and work here, a Company for those purposes is optimal. Then on top of that, with these changes to the rules pertaining to the timing of income coming into Thailand, a Thai Corporation can be an effective way of streamlining those issues.