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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Tax Law"Tobin Tax" in Thailand Likely Delayed?

"Tobin Tax" in Thailand Likely Delayed?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the so-called Tobin Tax which apparently is kind of a misnomer. Tobin Tax apparently initially referred to taxes on certain currency exchange, mechanisms associated with exchanging one currency for another, but it has kind of become a blanket term for taxing essentially financial transactions that may occur on a pretty rapid basis. 

I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post, that's, the article is titled: Enduring the lame duck period. Quoting directly: “The implementation of a law to repeal the waiver of the financial transaction tax on share sales by individual investors in the Stock Exchange of Thailand is one key measure that might be pushed back."  

So as we discussed in another video made contemporaneously with this one, it looks like Parliament is about to either go out of session or dissolve here in March of 2023. However that plays out remains to be seen, but either way it looks like there is a pretty good chance that we are going to go into the political season, the election season here in Thailand and that means things that weren't passed during the last Parliamentary session are effectively at best put on hold while the new election happens and then the new Parliament gets seated and then maybe they will take that back up again. I urge those to read this article from the Bangkok Post, a lot going on in there, a lot of good insight too.

It doesn't seem to be a completely foregone conclusion that it would immediately be taken back up by the next Parliament but if you presume that the next Parliament will look at least substantially similar to this one, it's possible that they might. However if Parliament goes out of session without dealing with this Tobin Tax issue, then it looks like there's a reprieve from that at least for the forthcoming months in the immediately foreseeable future.