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Is US-Thai Treaty of Amity Certification "Worth It"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing certification under the provisions of the US-Thai Treaty of Amity. For those who are unaware, American citizens can be granted what's called National Treatment under the provisions of the Treaty. The results of this or the upshot if you will is the fact that an American can come and set up a Company in Thailand and own their company basically 100% notwithstanding the provisions of the Foreign Business Act in Thailand which oftentimes will prohibit foreigners from owning any more than 49% of a Company. So under the Treaty of Amity, it is possible for an American to own that company outright. Now that's a big difference obviously for obvious reasons. 

The thing to take away from this video and the question posed, is "is it 'worth it'?" and what are we saying when 'worth it' well that was kind of my question. A couple of people have asked me this over the last 6 months and I asked what do you mean “worth it?" I mean it depends on what it is worth to you. There are some people that great get a great deal of peace of mind knowing that they own their company outright; there is no other majority shareholder; in many cases they don't have to have anybody else on their board; they are just on their company and they own it outright, again if they are certified under the Treaty of Amity.

So again, and it is kind of a weird question that I have been posed "is it worth it?" Yeah, there are extra costs, no doubt, there are extra service fees; we've got to do extra work to get a Company certified under the Treaty, but the notion of it being worth it, well it depends what something is worth to you. What is ownership of your company outright worth to you?