Legal Services & Resources
Up to date legal information pertaining to Thai, American, & International Law.
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Police Chief Ends Roadside Checkpoints in Thailand
The new Thai Police Chief has announced that roadside checkpoints will be discontinued for now.
What Is the Definition of a "Free Consultation"?
Some insight into what should and should not be expected when asking for a "free consultation"
Why Can't I Do This Myself?
Some insight into why sometimes it is possible to handle tax or immigration matters oneself and why in some cases, it may be more convenient or necessary to retain a lawyer.
Cheap, Fast, and Good
Some insight with regards to something being "cheap and fast and good" when in reality, those attributes usually do not go hand in hand with each other.
Why Second Guess the Man on the Ground?
A discussion on retaining Attorneys and trusting that their experience in dealing with situations has already been well thought through and had positive results.