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"2 Foreigners Arrested" For Intentional Nuisance In Thailand?

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I don't know why we are seeing more of these. Maybe it's an influx of foreigners into Thailand; maybe it's social media makes news promulgation that much quicker, I don't know but we have got another one of these sort of "foreigners behaving badly" videos. 

I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Two foreigners arrested for riding noisy big bikes on Samui. Quoting directly: "Two foreign nationals have been arrested for creating a public nuisance after riding big bikes around with very loud exhaust pipes and giving the middle finger to local residents." Neat! Quoting further: "Residents living along the road leading to Choeng Mon Beach on the northeast corner of Koh Samui initially filed a complaint with Boputh Police Station against the two tourists. The residents accused them of disturbing the peace and potentially posing a threat to Public Safety. Police told them the complaint needed to be backed up by evidence of flagrant offenses. The residents then managed to video-record the tourists in action and captured one of the riders giving the middle finger to them. After receiving the video clip via the police station's Facebook page, Boputh Police Chief Pol Col Denduang Thingsrisook ordered his subordinates to set up a police checkpoint and were able to arrest the two tourists. Local residents praised Boputh Police for their swift action after getting the video clip." 

Yeah look, the Thais are fed up with foreigners coming here and just really not treating them nicely, that's what it really is coming down to. I mean riding around people's neighbourhood where people live, especially on Koh Samui. Anybody who has ever been to Koh Samui, it's the most laid back, chill island on the planet I would argue, and to be riding around there just intentionally being loud and causing a nuisance to people and then flipping off the local residents, really, really? Why? What is it that is going on in someone's brain that they take it upon themselves to come to a foreign country and act this way? I'll be curious; the names and everything were withheld in this deal. I don't know if these folks were cited, arrested whatever, possibly in deportation proceedings - again I don't have that information. 

That said, again please foreigners when you come here, can you just be nice? Is it that hard? Why do you need to ride around somebody else's neighbourhood with your loud bikes, again and they mentioned in the article and I urge those who are watching this video go read that, they said that there were modifications made to the bikes that were illegal; so again, they were intentionally making these noises and then they were intentionally going around flipping people off. I mean what purpose does that serve at the end of the day? I fail to see it certainly but that said if there is further information on this, we will certainly keep you updated on this situation as it evolves.