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The Chronicle of "Big Joke" Continues in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Big Joke yet again because he seems to constantly be in the headlines and he usually is doing something that pertains to legal news. Not always though. I have had people ask me, "you seem to make a lot of videos on him." Well he was an interesting sort of person to watch in the public sphere over here in Thailand. He is the former head of Thai Immigration and then he had kind of a career setback and now he is back at the National Police Headquarters orders and it has just been rather interesting to watch overall and honestly I think it provides some insight for foreigners who are looking to come to Thailand, live in Thailand, deal with Thai Immigration; there's some insights to be had in the videos I have made on this over the years. 

I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Pattaya pub owner linked to dirty money. Quoting directly: "Chonburi: the Royal Thai Police wants the Provincial Governor to shut," and they are talking about a club in Pattaya, I am going to go ahead and just redact that name, so to shut, we will just call it, “this club in Pattaya". Quoting further: "in Bang Lamung district for 5 years after linking the owner to drugs and money laundering. According to reports, the owner is a Chinese man accused of being involved in money laundering and drugs. Police General Surachate Hakparn, another Assistant National Police Chief, said police will press charges against any local officers suspected of taking bribes from the pub owner."

So interesting stuff going on here. We have seen some of this stuff before. It seems Big Joke will periodically scrutinize and possibly even crack down on folks that are in the Police Force who are taking bribes as noted. We have seen actions like that, we saw it back in the Immigration Police days, interesting to watch. I find this thing overall interesting. This was a pretty big story and I think there is probably going to be more to come out of this in a little bit of a longer term with regard to just kind of the nuance legally, what exactly is going on and then any criminal proceedings. I think it will probably be something that again may provide some insight to foreigners here in the Kingdom of Thailand.