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Extradition and Deportation from Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the issue of extradition and deportation from Thailand. 

I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Japanese gangland killing suspects in Thai custody. I urge those who are watching this video, go check out that article, the thrust of it goes in a very different direction. I'm going to quote a couple of excerpts for the purposes of this video. Quoting directly: "Thailand and Laos do not have a formal extradition treaty, but investigators from the Nong Khai Immigration office reportedly learned that the wanted pair had entered Nong Khai illegally. The officers found them on Chalermphrakiart Road in Muang district and arrested them. The Immigration investigators subsequently alerted police at the Bang Bua Thong station, who then traveled to Nong Khai to pick up the suspects. The two were being held overnight at the Bang Bua Thong station pending a court appearance on Sunday, when police would request their further detention, Pol. Col. Prut Chamroonsart, the station chief said."

So the thing to take away from this video and understand is even if there isn't an extradition treaty with Thailand, Thailand is often pretty cooperative with foreign governments in terms of ascertaining and apprehending foreign criminals here in Thailand and sending them back to their own home country. As I have talked about in other videos, you may not necessarily need to go through an extradition proceeding.  Immigration may just say “we find you to be a threat to National Security and public health and safety, we're just going to cancel your visa and deport you”, and in that situation there isn't much to be done. Moreover, they could also just decided to not extend the Visa so they could say well we're not going to put you through deportation per se, but we may detain you and then we may just say, ‘you need to leave now because we are not going to renew your visa. We have discussed this in other videos as well.

So the thing to take away from this video and understand is at the end of the day, whether or not Thailand has an extradition treaty may not in a practical sense have an impact on whether or not a criminal in Thailand could as a practical matter, be both deported and sent back to their home country in a criminal context.