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Extradition in Thailand Is a Two-Way Street?
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As the title of this video suggest, we are discussing extradition. Now for those who are unaware, extradition is when one jurisdiction requests another jurisdiction to transport an alleged criminal back in to their jurisdiction or over to their jurisdiction physically to stand trial. That's basically what the definition there is.
Now most of the time when you hear about extradition in the context of Thailand, one will hear of or read about someone here in Thailand that was hiding out, they had a warrant in some other jurisdiction and they were picked up either on an Interpol Red Notice or just based on bilateral communications between law enforcement authorities in the other jurisdiction to Thailand, they will be picked up and they will be transported back to that other jurisdiction for trial.
There have been some cases here recently, I am not even going to cite them, but yeah here recently we have actually seen folks being extradited from other countries to Thailand to stand trial including foreign nationals. You have got to remember, Thailand is a party to extradition Treaties with various different countries not least of which the United States for example. So one needs to remember that extradition when thinking about it in the context of Thailand, it's not just this notion of "oh some foreign criminal came to Thailand," which is getting much, much more difficult especially due to biometrics, biometric readers at various Immigration checkpoints have really decreased the number of foreign criminals that are physically present or even able to travel to Thailand. Then on top of that you have got the APP system and the PIBIC system utilized by Thai Immigration which again makes such endeavours really, really difficult to the point of impossible for foreign criminals. But leaving that aside, it's a two-way street as it were insofar has Thailand request extradition from other jurisdictions as well.