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Foreigner Arrested in Thailand for "Stealing a Thai Job"?
Transcript of the above video:
As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing arrest of foreigners here in Thailand or in this case one specific foreigner on the citation of "stealing a Thai job". Now I thought about making this video after reading a recent article in the Phuket News, that's, the article is titled: 'Red Card' system launched for 'bad foreigners' in Phuket. A lot of information in there. I urge those who are watching this video go check out, and read that article in detail. I thought of making this video because oftentimes I don't think people quite understand that look Labour Department is a different Department from Immigration but they have overlap in terms of the ramifications that occur for violations of Labour Code. There's overlap insofar as that can affect your Immigration status.
Quoting directly: "Phuket Immigration, Patong Police and Phuket Tourist Police had arrested French foreigners involved in the above, and they had arrested a foreigner for "stealing a Thai job." As we have discussed in many other videos on this channel in the past, although not as recently and now that I come to think of it maybe I should make some videos on that topic, but the thing to understand is look if you are engaged in a restricted occupation here in Thailand and we have done videos with the list of restricted occupations on this channel. Probably just go to our channel to the search function and search "restricted occupations", you'll get probably one or two videos on that, minimum, or go to the Resources Section of, type in the same thing and you will get a whole bunch more because we have the transcripts and you can find all that information. But long story short, stealing a Thai job is considered something that is a major priority by Thai Immigration and Labour Department to forestall. They consider it their job to keep that from happening and so the kind of work you engage in in Thailand especially those who try to engage in work in Thailand without a Work Permit, that can prove to be a real problem.
So the thing to understand and the thing to take away from this video is get a Work Permit; make sure you have a Work Permit that involves an occupation that is not restricted in Thailand. Then, even when you have a Work Permit and are maintaining it correctly, do not engage in an occupation which is restricted in Thailand and can lead to a situation where you could be arrested or deported.