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Foreigners in Thailand: STOP SMOKING WEED IN PUBLIC!
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I don't know how to get it through people's heads any more than I have already tried. Look we have done the videos: "The dude abides, keep it inside!" Thai Police have talked about it, it has been across the media, Smoking Cannabis in public, stop doing it. I don't know what else to say here.
The Thai police have said they consider it a nuisance; they consider it a violation of Thai Criminal Law. Yes, we understand Cannabis has been pulled off the narcotics list in Thailand, it is not illegal but as we have discussed, I have made videos, I made a short on it "the dude abides, keep it inside!" They came up with that in Seattle I believe years ago. I felt it was really pertinent to Thailand presently. No it is not legal to smoke weed outside, it's not a good idea either. You are opening yourself up for trouble and I have seen Thai police cite people personally. I have been sitting outside of places and I have seen somebody who will spark up their joint or whatever and I saw it myself with my own two eyes and they thought they were perfectly cool and a Thai cop came around the corner, saw it and said "hey, that's a problem!" That person who was a foreigner got taken to the Police Station and they got cited for it, they had to go deal with it. I didn't get involved in that; I wasn't involved. I just sort of witnessed it as sort of a bystander but yeah they are serious about this. Whether this goes fully legal, recreational, whatever it ends up, I think one thing that is going to be clear is look Thailand is not interested in having people just walking around smoking this stuff in public. There are children around; people don't want to live in that society as we have discussed in other videos.
So again please, if nothing else, take this to heart: "Stop doing this in public!'