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ResourcesThailand Criminal LawCriminal Jurisprudence Thailand"Frets" in Thailand over Foreign Nominees in Business

"Frets" in Thailand over Foreign Nominees in Business

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As the title of this videos just, we are discussing "frets" amongst some folks regarding nominee businesses here in Thailand. I thought of making this video after reading a recent articles from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Chiang Mai frets over foreign nominees. A lot of good information in that article, I am going to quote a small excerpt here. I urge those who are watching this video go check out that article for yourselves. Quoting directly: "Tourism operators in Chiang Mai are calling for the revision of laws and regulations to maintain fair competition and protect local businesses from Chinese merchants using Thai nominees."

There are some out there who would sort of grab onto this and make a big deal out of the Chinese issue. I think that is largely irrelevant. The way that this stuff usually works is where this becomes an issue with any Government, in any context, or any issue for that matter, becomes a concern where it may be it acutely has to do with one particular group. In the end oftentimes it ends up applied broadly. 

So be aware out there that again nominees are illegal in Thailand. We have done the videos, discussed and I discuss oftentimes not so much me, but Attorneys here in our office but sometimes I will be in those conferences, I will be in those rooms where they are discussing “hey, what is a nominee? what sort of fits that description? what isn't?” oftentimes is more to the point, but the thing to take away from this video is to understand structuring a company in Thailand is extremely important. The way it is structured, the formalities and everything associated with setting up a Company correctly in compliance with Thai Law is very important because down the line you could end up finding yourself if something is sort of set up in a slap dash manner, you could find yourself down the line facing consequences you never even thought were possible. Again nominee issues can end up in a criminal context here in Thailand. That is not some place you want to be. You want to structure your company correctly, in compliance with all relevant laws and make sure that you are operating business in such a way that you don't really have to worry about whether or not a city is fretting if you will, over something having to do with your business because you are already in compliance and you can move on and get on down the road in dealing with just making money and living your life.