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"Human Trafficking" Among "Thailand's Top National Agendas"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing human trafficking here in the Kingdom of Thailand and recently it came to my attention that the TIP's report, the Trafficking in Persons report has recently come out. The United States does this report once a year where they assess various foreign countries and whether or not they are taking appropriate measures to deal with the issue of human trafficking. I thought of making this video after reading a recent announcement on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' website here in Thailand, that is under the Public Relations Release, whatever you want to call it, Press Release under the title: Thailand's Ranking in US Department of State's 2024 Trafficking in Persons report (2024 TIP report). Quoting directly: "On 24 June, 2024 at 2200 hours, the US Department of State released the 2024 Trafficking in Persons report, assessing the trafficking in persons situation in 188 countries/territories around the world. The 2024 TIP report placed Thailand in tier 2 for the third consecutive year. The report reflected the progress made of joint efforts by the Royal Thai Government and all stakeholders in preventing and combatting human trafficking during the past year including the increasing number of trafficking investigations, prosecutions, victim identification, investigations of allegedly-complicit officials, more restitution to victims and the establishment of victim identification centers. The report also provided recommendations on how to further enhance anti-Human Trafficking efforts." Quoting further: "Combating human trafficking has long been one of Thailand's top national agendas. Government agencies across all sectors in Thailand are steadfastly and continuously engaged in combating human trafficking to protect and safeguard both Thai citizens and foreigners residing in Thailand in line with human rights principles. The Royal Thai Government has constantly strengthened laws and regulations and increased operational efficiency. These efforts also include cultivating partnerships across various sectors, including private sector and civil society, and fostering International cooperation with International organizations and partner countries, including the United States, in order to expand capabilities and enhance the effectiveness in delivering concrete outcomes in preventing and combating human trafficking."

So what does this all add up to? Well basically Thailand is very, very committed to the issue of law enforcement as it pertains to international human trafficking. They have gone out of their way to increase their enforcement capabilities; they have cooperated a lot I've noticed in the past couple of years so, with various personnel from the United States generally via the United States Embassy here in Thailand to combat this human trafficking issue. We have also seen a lot of headlines especially where it concerned "Big Joke", Surachate "Big Joke" Hakparn where he seemed to kind of be going on a crusade at the end of last year going into this year for lack of a better term, in going after, rounding up, apprehending and presumably putting through due process folks that are here in Thailand, primarily foreigners as we discussed in prior videos, primarily foreigners who are here for nefarious reasons. 

Now more and more, anyone with a record is effectively precluded from getting in Thailand for all practical purposes due to biometrics. The PIBIC System, that's p-i-b-i-c-s which operates through the Immigration System and sort of has a crow's nest if you will in the main artery of Airborne Immigration into Thailand and that is Suvarnabhumi Airport. Meanwhile the Advanced Passenger Processing System or APP system has also been brought online and that precludes effectively folks with any kind of record of sexual abuse or human trafficking on their record; they are effectively just not getting into Thailand for all practical purposes.

So the thing to take away from this video and understand is Thailand takes Trafficking in Persons very seriously. They have dedicated a great many resources and expense and time and effort and man hours to going after this. And I think if anything, this sort of expense of time and resources is only going to increase in the future as Authorities here in Thailand are increasingly committed to enforcing laws pertaining to human and child trafficking here in the Kingdom of Thailand.