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"Magic" Runs Out For Drug Dealing Overstaying Foreigner In Thailand?

Transcript of the above video: 

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the "magic" running out for an overstaying drug dealing foreigner here in Thailand, or an alleged one. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Thai Examiner, that is, the article is titled: Magic loses its touch: 'Invisible' drug dealing Nigerian napped by cops in Ko Phangan Hotel swoop. Quoting directly: "A Nigerian man who claimed to use magic to evade police was arrested in Ko Phangan. He had overstayed his visa for nearly nine years, was found with cocaine and revealed a sophisticated drug supply network." Quoting further: "A drug dealing Nigerian national looks set to swap the comfort of a luxury hotel on Ko Phangan for a long stay at a Thai prison after his arrest on Saturday. Police swooped on the 47-year-old African in the corridor of his hotel as he got ready to hit the streets with another drug delivery. Strangely, the Nigerian claimed to have been aided by magic for the last 9 years as he lived in Thailand illegally, and played his part in a sophisticated drug dealing network." So, it remains to be seen whether or not Thai Police are going to pursue that network further and to what end. Well, when I say that I mean to what conclusion? Will we see a number of other further arrests possibly of foreigners here in Thailand? 

Meanwhile I think it goes without saying but I'll say it anyway that maybe don't rely on magic when you are trying to overstay and then on top of that commit a bunch of crimes here in Thailand. Just generally speaking, those who are looking to travel to Thailand it is generally a good rule of thumb do not get into the cocaine. Cocaine is illegal here in Thailand; it is a criminal offense that is heavily, heavily punishable. Not something you want to get involved in. As we have discussed in other videos, there has been decriminalization or relaxation of laws or just outright legalization of various kinds with respect to other types of substances, as we have noted in other videos, mushrooms containing psilocybin. We have also seen the legalization of Cannabis. So, while Thailand does have a rather lax attitude regarding certain aspects of pharmacology if you will, not all of the Thai Law Enforcement apparatus is overly interested in seeing all drugs legalized here in Thailand. 

So again, if you are coming to Thailand, you are looking to spend some time out here, maybe don't bring the cocaine with you and don't have anything to do with it while you are in this jurisdiction and definitely don't rely upon magic for dealing with overstay matters here in the Kingdom of Thailand.