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Pattaya No Longer the "Wild West"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing whether or not Pattaya is still the "Wild West". I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Pattaya Mail, that is, the article is titled: The Naivety of Pattaya's card gamblers from India is gobsmacking. That is a really accurate title. I think that's well put. A lot going on in here, I did another video on this contemporaneously with this wherein we talked about apparently this Indian junket was put together where they came in and rented out a hotel conference room to basically set up a floating casino and they were caught, which shocker of shockers, I can't imagine how that could happen. Yeah it just seems a little bit over the top to me to just show up in a foreign country; rent out a hotel conference room; tell all the staff they can't come in and then try to run a casino out of there. It just seems audacious to say the least. 

In any event quoting directly: "But the saga pinpoints the reality that Pattaya 30 years ago may have been a "wild west" town with an anything goes reputation. It isn't now." I don't know that is necessarily the case. Pattaya is pretty laid back. You want to do what you want to do in Pattaya, go ahead. However, setting up a conference-room Casino filled with about 100 people, blatantly violating Thai Law on gambling, no probably not. You are probably not going to get away with that.  

I don't think that that has if that imputes in any way the Wild West nature of Pattaya. If anything, it shows it for what it is. Look even in the Wild West you couldn't get away with everything. Eventually the Sheriff showed up. I mean that's what Wyatt Earp tails and all of these Taylor Sheridan's Yellowstone saga, that is what it is all about. Yeah, eventually people do stuff even in the Wild West that somebody says "hey we need some law, come on now." What's that line in I think it is Tombstone Jason Priestley says "come on, we have got to have some law!" Pattaya, this should not be viewed in any way, shape or form as Pattaya is any tamer than it ever has been. I don't think that's fair at all. If anything I think the Wild West is alive and well in because the Sheriff did show up when he heard "oh a bunch of guys took over a conference room and decided to set up their own Casino", notwithstanding the fact that is completely illegal in the Kingdom of Thailand.  

So if anything, I think it's more like the Wild West than or may be not more like, but it's as Wild West as it ever has been and look Wyatt Earp just showed up and arrested these people because they were breaking the law.