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Thai Immigration Police Operation "X-Ray" Targets Illegal Foreigners?

Transcript of the above video: 

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing a newly named operation by Thai Immigration. I've done a number of videos here recently, especially a few ALERTS regarding issues surrounding foreigners here in Thailand, especially those who are looking to live in Thailand without proper documentation either via overstay or not the proper Visa, what sometimes is called Intending Immigrants Without Proper Documentation in the United States, the United States Immigration system whereby US Customs and Border Protection will sometimes say to somebody who is entering the country, especially so-called Carousel Tourist Visa users where someone will use the Tourist Visa to the max and then try to do like a weekend Border Run and come back in to the United States and they'll say "hey you're trying to use a Tourist Visa to live here." 

Thai Immigration is very much as time has gone on, been taking more and more of a hard stance against similar activity here in Thailand and it's something to be aware of. And as I said in prior videos, the paradigm has shifted to an enforcement posture regarding Thai Immigration and this operation X-Ray thing is just another example.

I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: New Zealander arrested after 6 year overstay in Pattaya. I urge those who are watching this video, go check out that article in detail to gain some insight into the thrust of that article because what we are talking about here goes sort of a different direction. Quoting directly: "He said the arrest was part of an operation dubbed X-ray," and I believe that is a Lieutenant Colonel that is cited earlier in that article, and again I urge those who are watching this video go check that out. Quoting again: "He said the arrest was part of an operation dubbed "X-ray", aimed at purging Pattaya of Visa offenders as well as foreigners who have been reported as committing crime or encroaching on professions reserved for Thai people." As I said prior videos, Thai Law Enforcement is getting serious about this. They even now have a mandate to report back to main Thai Police Headquarters regarding ongoing Immigration cases. 

Long story short, Thai Authorities are taking this stuff seriously and I believe they will continue to do so throughout the so-called low season going through the summer here in the Kingdom of Thailand.