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Thai Justice System "Intensifies Surveillance" of Sex Offenders?
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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing unfortunately, sex offenders here in Thailand. For those who are unaware, and just a general side note here, Thailand takes sex offenders really, really, really, really seriously, I can't stress that enough. They do not mess around in Thailand with that kind of thing especially involving those who are not of the age of majority, basically children. Child sex offenders are treated harshly I will put it that way, or maybe I should say sternly by the Thai Justice System. They are not messing around, it's serious stuff and Thai Law enforcement takes it very seriously.
Case and point, I was reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Taking aim at violent sex offenders. Quoting directly: "A new law set to take effect today aims to prevent people convicted of sexual and violent crimes from reoffending. The act aimed at curbing recidivism amongst people convicted of sexual and violent crimes intensifies surveillance measures to the degree that released offenders may be ordered to wear electronic monitoring ankle bracelets for up to 10 years after."
I mean yeah, this is pretty stringent types of law enforcement mechanisms that are being applied in order to forestall recidivism among sex offenders. Look on a personal level I couldn't be happier about this. This is great idea, I think this is good policy personally. Now as a lawyer, the lawyer in me, yeah people have rights. I don't know exactly what the interaction is between, this was a major issue with the sex offender registry some years ago, issues involving what is called ex post facto laws under the US Constitution. Again, not necessarily applicable here in Thailand so that is not really what I am getting into here but the lawyer in me does recognize that there are certain levels of due process that have to be gone through and things.
That said, we are talking about people who have been convicted of these types of crimes and it looks like that there is going to be heightened surveillance on those folks moving into the future. That stated, we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as the situation evolves.