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Thai Labor Ministry Cracking Down on Illegal Employment
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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the Thai Labour Ministry and specifically recent news that the Labour Department is looking to start cracking down on those working illegally in Thailand.
This is a bit of a sea change compared to times past where it seemed that Thai Immigration tended to take the "tip of the spear" for lack of better term with respect to cracking down on foreigners working or living illegally in Thailand. It now appears that the Labour Ministry is going to get in on this.
In a recent article from Thai Visa that is and they are translating from Bangkok Biz news that is Quoting directly: "Labour Minister MR Chatumongkol Sonakul said that 2020 will be a year of going after foreigners illegally working in Thailand. “Mom Tao” as he is affectionately known, will essentially be targeting foreigners on tourist visas without work permits, reported Bangkok Biz News. Chatumongkol's Department of Employment that issues Work Permits will be teaming up with the Royal Thai Police, the Thai Immigration Bureau and the Department of Provincial Administration to flush out lawbreakers from Thailand." Quoting further: "The public have been urged to contact the Department of Employment to report offenders on 02-354-1729, contact 10 Regional Offices or phone the hotline on 1506 extension 2." So there is even a hotline for this.
I think it is fairly safe to say that the authorities in Thailand are serious about foreigners working illegally here in the Kingdom and I think it is safe to presume that those who do so wantonly and imprudently may have some serious problems here in the Kingdom in the future.
As noted in previous videos, a work authorization violation can result in significant fines; it may even result in criminal charges. It could also result in deportation and possible blacklisting. So those who may have issues that do not have work authorization properly acquired or properly maintained are well advised to do so in the near future as failure to do so could result in serious penalties moving forward.