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Thai Police Continue Counter Human Trafficking Activities

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Police continuing to take human trafficking very, very seriously here in Thailand. We first started talking about this initially when discussing a case roughly about a year ago, maybe 9 months ago, wherein Surachate "Big Joke" Hakparn, then the Deputy National Police Chief I should say, and how he was going after folks who were engaging in child sex offenses, human trafficking etc.

Meanwhile, people have sort of asked me "are the Thai Police continuing to be assiduous in pursuing that?" I would say the answer to that is yes. Notably from a recent article in the Daily News, that's, again this is all in Thai, we're going to put it up and I'm going to sort of paraphrase it here. The translation my people did for the title is: ‘Big Chuab’ pushes forward on the issue of protection of Children, Women and Families and anti-Human Trafficking and Fishery. So the gist of the article is Police Lieutenant General Prachuab went to Suvarnabhumi Airport to inspect the screening process for people who have been victims of human trafficking. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Immigration Bureau check their list and put names of the victims on a watch list and they check when people leave Thailand to see if any of the people exiting Thailand are on the watch list. 

So long story short I think what we can glean from this article is Thai Authorities remain very serious about countering human trafficking here in Thailand. And I think this is going to continue in the future. As we've discussed in other videos, American assistance has been sought and has been utilized in countering human trafficking here in Thailand. I hope this remains the case moving forward and we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as this situation evolves.