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What Are the Consequences for Violating "Phuket Sandbox" Rules?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the possible consequences for those who violate rules related to the "Phuket Sandbox" initiative once they are in the "sandbox". 

I got this from a recent article in the Phuket News that is, the article is titled: Phuket Officials Issue New Order for "Sandbox" Tourist Arrivals from July 1. A very insightful article. A lot of information in here. I urge folks who are watching this, if you are interested in this stuff go ahead and check out the Phuket News article directly. We are quoting directly, they actually translated thank you to them, hats off to the Phuket News, they actually translated the new order that is bringing this "Phuket Sandbox", these protocols online. 

Here in article 8: "Violation or non-compliance with orders and measures: 1) In the case of aliens entering the Kingdom, violation of the Communicable Diseases Act B.E. 2558 may be punishable according to section 51 and section 52." And then "violation of the order under the preventative measures for travelers entering the Kingdom and the rules of action which the Government has specified such as traveling outside of Phuket before a period of 14 nights or as specified without permission or not cooperating to receive treatment etc. may be the cause of (and this is probably the key point for most folks) may be the cause of revocation of permission to stay in the Kingdom under the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 Section 36, and may consider not allowing entry to the Kingdom in accordance with the order of the Minister of Interior no. 1/2015 dated 27 November, 2015 regarding the prohibition of certain classes of aliens from entering the Kingdom. 

So for foreign nationals, the big one is you can be deported, that is the big one. Now here is the downside and I can tell you from having dealt with deportees in the past, it is not like flights are just coming and going to and from Thailand to specific countries all that readily compared to most times. So if you get deported, you could end up detained and you could end up detained for a rather prolonged period of time. I don't really think anybody that is looking to come in, I think everybody knows the conditions they are going to be coming in to Thailand using the Phuket "Sandbox" so I am not blind to the fact that people are aware of what they are dealing with but just for those out there who are curious about this, understand that if you violate the terms of the Phuket "Sandbox", you can be deported and it may not be instantaneous. It may not be, ”I am found in violation and I am on a plane that evening”. No you could end up in detention for a prolonged period of time and believe me when I say this, Immigration detention, no matter where you are at in Thailand is not a particularly pleasant place to be. 

So those who are looking to come into Thailand and use the Phuket Sandbox, it is probably a good idea to follow the rules associated with maintaining one's status in the Kingdom during their two-week period where they need to be in the “sandbox” in order to meet the requirements to then either stay under normal conditions if you will or leave and come to different parts of greater Thailand.