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Americans Are The Third Largest Buyers Of Thai Condos?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are posing the question, Americans are the third largest buyers of Thai Condos? I actually wouldn't have seen this coming, I really wouldn't have. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from Khao Sod English, that is, the article is titled: Chinese are the biggest buyers of Thai Condos for 6 years in a row. As per usual, I would urge those who are watching this video, go check out that article in detail, a lot of good information in there. That said quoting directly: "The most popular locations for foreign buyers were Chonburi, 41.1% and Bangkok 38%. The top 10 nationalities by number of condominium units transferred to foreign ownership were: Chinese with 6,614 units, Russian with 1,260 units and then Americans 631 units, followed by Myanmar at 564 units and the Taiwanese at 532.

So interesting there that I really wouldn't have seen that coming because quite honestly while Americans, we talk a lot, I'm an American, I'm from America, we talk a lot about Americans over here as the number of the expats here, total numbers, Americans are pretty low on that totem pole so to speak, and we just, it's a long way away from the United States; there's variety of different reasons probably why that is, but I thought it was really interesting that Americans were the number three top purchaser of condos. 

For those who are unaware, it is possible notwithstanding the restrictions on foreign land ownership, specifically real estate land ownership here in Thailand there are restrictions on that, but notwithstanding said restrictions it is possible for an American or any foreign national for that matter to own a condo here in Thailand pursuant to the Thai Condominium Act. This allows for what we call in sort of the American Common Law vernacular, what we would call Fee Simple Absolute Title or what one might call Freehold Title in the Commonwealth vernacular. So again Chanote title in Thai parlance; you're talking about a title deed, you own the property. It is possible for foreign nationals to do that and it appears that a number of Americans, specifically 631, have availed themselves of this benefit here in the Kingdom of Thailand.