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Long Term Real Estate Leasing for Foreigners in Thailand?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing long-term leasing for foreigners here in Thailand. For those who are unaware, it is restricted for foreigners to own land in Thailand. It not possible for a foreign national to own land in Thailand or I should say it is only possible in such a rare set of circumstances, in such a limited set of circumstances; I think if I read correctly the Bangkok Post at one point said since the time it was allowed in any narrow sense there has only been like eight instances since the turn of the century where there has been foreign land ownership allowed by Thai Law, allowed in Thailand. It is very rare. This is something that just basically doesn't happen as a practical matter. 

So foreigners are restricted from owning land in Thailand, not restricted from leasing land in Thailand. You can get a long-term lease. The Thai Civil and Commercial Code will allow for a 30-year lease here in the Kingdom of Thailand so a foreign national can come to Thailand, gain a 30-year lease over a piece of property and depending on the provisions of the lease, make improvements, do with it as they will and maintain themselves on that property as best they can and sort of enjoy that property as best they can. So yeah it is an option for some folks, it is not the option that they want to go with so oftentimes they will try to utilize other instruments but in my opinion oftentimes and again the other folks here at the firm who review these things before I put them out, and these are for educational purposes only but in my opinion yeah it can be very, very useful and from a legal standpoint it places one on very stable footing with regard to the term of the lease itself, it can be quite a benefit. 

So the thing to take away from this video, if you are looking to or you are interested in long-term leasing of property in Thailand, it is probably a good idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.