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Reviewing Thai Real Estate Title

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Real Estate Title in Thailand and reviewing Real Estate Title in Thailand and this is generally involved in a due diligence context.

What are we talking about with respect to due diligence? Well folks that are looking to for example acquire real estate in Thailand or perhaps lease real estate in Thailand or gain something like a usufruct in Thailand, those folks should have due diligence done to ascertain whether or not it is possible to gain the rights that one is seeking and also and this does happen, it is not overly frequent but there was a time when there were a lot more scams of this ilk where you saw people essentially selling property they didn't own for lack of a better term. It was kind of a scam. It doesn't happen very often but yeah I have been involved in due diligence when we have gone and we have pulled the property title and lo and behold the person who says they are selling it doesn't own it. Rare but it happens. 

So long story short, yeah review of a property title for example a Chanote which is a freehold title deed as opposed to for example a Nor Sor 3 Kor which is a title deed but it has less rights; it is not quite freehold. I am not going to dig too deep into that but different types of Thai property title have different rights and obligations associated with them. So the review especially in a due diligence context is a really good idea for those who are looking to purchase property in Thailand so they can ascertain what they are actually purchasing and they can make sure that they are not wasting resources unnecessarily.