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What Is the Longest Lease in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing leases in Thailand and I often get the question: "What is the longest lease I can get?"

I find this really interesting because people tend to presume their own legal system works in Thailand. I see this in other jurisdictions and I am guilty of it myself; we all enter things with our own preconceptions or preconceived notions. This happens a lot here and I see people that will say "Well instead of owning that land I will get a 99 year lease.” Well point of fact, the Thai Civil and Commercial Code is this pretty clear at least as of this time that the maximum lease one can get that is enforceable in Thailand is 30 years if it is registered to the Chanote title, that is the title deed. Point of clarification: I am not a Thai Attorney, I am an American attorney. I am the Managing Director of this firm. I am a naturalized Thai citizen but I am not a Thai Attorney. This video has been vetted by Thai Attorneys. It is for informational use only. But long story short, as a practical matter you are only going to be able to see a 30-year lease enforced in Thailand. Now there are some folks out there that will talk about having an option to extend that lease and everything; that is a different lease. Within the four corners if you will of that particular instrument, the lease can only be for 30 year increments under the Thai Civil and Commercial Code as it currently exists at the time of this video. 

There has been some discussion of changing that in fact there has been a lot of discussion regarding the possibility of 50-year leases here in Thailand. As of yet we have yet to see that as of the time of this video to the best of my knowledge. We will certainly keep people updated on this channel as that situation evolves.