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200,000 New Jobs In Thailand's EEC?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the Eastern Economic Corridor. For those who are unaware, a corridor, sort of an Economic Corridor was created. I have actually read the enabling Act that promulgated the differentiation if you will of the rules, laws and concessions associated with that particular Zone here in Thailand which encompasses Rayong, Chonburi and Chachoengsao provinces and notably the City of Pattaya as well as Laem Chabang Port are both included within that zone. So as I have discussed in other videos, I think that this is going to be a major inflection point economically. The new Government seems to be pretty committed to increasing promotion of the EEC in terms of international business and acting as a sort of entrepôt for international trade and as an international hub eventually in things like the tech sector as well as heavy manufacturing industry as well. 

So I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Nation, that's, the article is titled: Pledge to create 200,000 jobs in new EEC Zone. Quoting directly: "The Government projects that some 200,000 jobs worth 1.2 trillion Baht will be created in the development of the Business Centre and Liveable Smart City within the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). Quoting further: "Supporters say the special economic promotion zone would be developed as a centre of business and finance by 2027, and continue on to become one of the world's 10 livable smart cities in 2037." Setting aside all the Smart City stuff, I view that as a little bit of window dressing, but long story short yeah, look Pattaya, the Municipality of Pattaya as well as this greater zone, I think is going to be where a lot of the "action" is in terms of business here in Thailand moving forward. 

Now there are other places obviously in Thailand that are going to see more development. Obviously Bangkok has always been an epicenter not only of commerce and trade but also it's a Political Centre and Bangkok is just sort of Bangkok. But I don't think it's outside the real possibility to think that we will see a highly developed Eastern Economic Corridor as the years progress especially as a result of infrastructural developments not least of which rail systems connecting that area directly with the Bangkok Metropolitan area. All of these things auger well for not only business development but I suspect overall infrastructural development in the Eastern Economic Zone.