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Anutin Thanks Thai "Prime Minister For" Cannabis Reconsideration?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing what in my opinion is a really good development here in Thailand and that is the reconsideration of the listing of Cannabis as a narcotic. For those who are unaware, that has been a major bone of contention within the Governing coalition here in Thailand, a lot of heated discussion it looks to me like at the policy level regarding this issue. We have been covering it here for quite some time now. That said, I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Thailand signals another U-turn on Cannabis

First things first, I want to say there have not been U-turns on this. In my opinion, a lot of the consternation caused by this has come from the fact that the media has either been very quick to jump the gun on things that are not actually occurring or there has been a lot of pushing or nudging if you will of this issue in a narrative way to make it sort of flow to certain people's desires, let's put it that way. But long story short, overall other than a few points here recently, I have felt like the whole Cannabis issue has been a good example of how Thai Government works in terms of being able to come to sort of compromise positions and fortunately we are looking at what appears to be another one of those scenarios. 

Quoting directly, again Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Thailand signals another U-turn on Cannabis, quoting: "Thailand will work towards controlling the use of Cannabis through legislation instead of re-listing it as a narcotic." Quoting further: "According to Deputy Prime Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, signaling yet another policy U-turn." Well hold on. They were always just discussing the policy. There haven't been these U-turns. Again, especially in the headlines, the medias tend to sensationalize things; I get it we have all got to do click bait and all that good stuff but I would love to see it be a little more straightforward in the reporting. That said, especially here recently, many big tip of the hat to Bangkok Post. You guys have done a good job, a very good job on covering this. Quoting further: "Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin now agreed that legislation was the appropriate step to take, Mr. Anutin said on Tuesday. Quote: "I would like to thank the Prime Minister for considering this issue and deciding to enact an Act." And I couldn't agree more with the Interior Minister and thanks to the Prime Minister. Quoting further: "said Mr. Anutin, whose Bhumjaithai Party has long championed decriminalization of Cannabis for medical and economic uses." Quoting further: "He made the comments after talks with Mr. Srettha and Public Health Minister Somsak Thepsuthin on Tuesday. The Prime Minister reportedly gave guidelines to enact an Act to control the plant instead of re-listing it as a narcotic." Quoting further: "Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai and Prommin Lertsuridej, Secretary General to the Prime Minister, also attended the talks, said Mr. Anutin. Quote: "It will be a matter of Law and debated in Parliament where there is already a draft law," Mr. Prommin Lertsuridej told Reuters. Quote: "Whether it is a narcotic or not is up to Parliament."

Thank you all. I love this. This is great to see compromise, cooler heads prevail and ultimately Parliament making the decision regarding whether or not this thing should be relisted, how it should be relisted etc. I think this is a very good thing overall; I think it's a positive development not only economically but as far as the Cannabis space generally here in Thailand. Overall I couldn't be happier if it's not readily apparent. 

Now why have I been so sort of exuberant over this or why am I exuberant over it now? I truly believe that this is one of the best things that's happened from a public policy standpoint in a number of years for Thailand. I think the economic benefits are substantial; I think the benefits to tourism are substantial and I think while there are drawbacks to this, and let's make no mistake, there are, I think the benefits ultimately outweigh the costs and that is one of the reasons I have been such a proponent of this and especially a proponent of it going through Parliament, rather than just rewriting it as Ministerial Regulations, which I wasn't even sure that there is the authority to do that. Let's set that issue aside for now, not something to worry about at the moment. As is obvious from reading this article and I urge those who are watching this video, go check out that article for more details, but long story short, this is going back to Parliament. I think that's the perfect place, that's the proper place where it needs to be dealt with and hopefully we can get a long hammered out that everybody can live with and hopefully it is a law that provides even more economic benefit. I certainly know I haven't made a dime off of Cannabis or a satang if you will in sort of the Thai vernacular off of Cannabis in the years that it has been legalized even though I have all my licenses and everything. I mostly did that sort of experimentally but I have wanted to be involved with this space. It's just there is not a lot of room for somebody in the legal field when there are not a lot of laws. So Parliament passing a law in my opinion would be a good thing. I just didn't think it was a good thing to just be able to flip on this overnight and do it through Regulation or what they claim were Regulation and just re-list it. Again the issue of whether or not Emergency Powers were in play also I think came into play with regard to that analysis. That said, again setting that aside, it looks like we are going to see this thing going through Parliament, so we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as that situation evolves.