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Bars and Restaurants Can Open Longer in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing re-opening of bars and restaurants in Thailand and opening times being extended. The reason for this comes from a recent article in the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Dropping of Test and Go scheme expected to boost Tourism sector in Pattaya. Quoting directly: "Wasan Sanguantoikam, member of the Pattaya Business and Tourism Association said bars and restaurants will be allowed to serve alcohol until 12am from May 1." 

So it remains to be seen if this is going to go nationwide. This has kind of been done on a province by province basis and then on top of that, Pattaya being its own incorporated municipality, things are a little bit different down there. But definitely good news and I do think just kind of walking around here in Bangkok and getting a feel for how things are moving ahead, I think it is highly probable that we probably will see most things here in Thailand in terms of opening hours, especially with respect to alcohol service being extended even further past the 11 pm current deadline, or current closing time requirement and 12am being the next logical step and then beyond that who knows where it is exactly going to end up. This is definitely a step in a positive direction especially for the internal economy here in Thailand not to mention the tourism economy here in Thailand. 

So I definitely think, not to be redundant, but I definitely think we are going in the right in the right way. I am happy about this for lack of a better term. That being said, the situation continues to evolve and we will continue to keep you updated on this channel as it does.