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"Big Joke" "Eyeing" A Seat In Thailand's Senate?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing "Big Joke" yet again and we've made a number of videos on him and as I have said in other videos, he's very interesting, his career is certainly colourful and he does provide a lot of insight for foreigners who kind of want to understand maybe the way things work a little bit here.

I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post, but I actually got this from the print edition; we will throw this up one screen, I'm sure it's over in Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Summons for ‘Big Joke’, four others. Now I am going to get into the thrust of this video actually goes a different direction than the primary thrust of the article so I urge those who are watching this video go check out that article in detail. As I have said in other videos it is rather insightful to see how police procedure works especially with these termination and possible charges kind of cases. As I have discussed in other videos, again it's not an exact apples to apples analogy, but this procedure whereby "Big Joke" is going through this adjudication process within the Royal Thai Police sort of institutionally if you will, I look at that as akin to what we call the "Exhaustion Doctrine" in the context of Administrative Law in American jurisprudence. So we are talking about he's got to go through these internal processes and depending on the outcome there, we may or may not see actual court process occur down the road, but for now this is sort of occurring internally. 

That said, it was interesting when I was reading this article and what made me think of making this video, let me quote directly, again it was the Bangkok Post print edition, the article is titled:  Summons for ‘Big Joke’, four others. Quoting directly: "Police General Surachate, (that's Big Joke) also revealed that he is eyeing registering for the senatorial election saying that he wants to work for the public's benefit as much as he can". You know, the one thing I have to say for this man, he is nothing if not tenacious. I mean he just kind of keeps coming and I do, on just a personal level, I kind of just appreciate the pluck if nothing else of someone who says - it reminds me of the song "Chumbawamba", by Chumbawamba – ‘I get knocked down but I get up again’. You are never going to keep "Big Joke" down apparently, although you never know, we could see more negative ramifications in further adjudications. 

But long story, short yeah this was kind of an interesting development. When I was reading that it was all, again I urge those are watching this video read the article for yourselves because it does get into some kind of drive but if you are interested, if you are an expat especially out here, kind of want to know how these things work, there is some good insight into how the internal dynamics of this proceeding is going but then you get to the end of the article it's like "and yeah he is also looking at maybe checking out the Senate as well" So interesting. It would be kind of funny to see old "Big Joke" I shouldn't say funny, it is a serious institution but I would find it rather novel let me say, to see somebody like ‘Big Joke’ in the Senate Chamber. So that is definitely not a foregone conclusion and we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as that situation evolves.