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"Big Joke" Facing "Gambling-Related Money-Laundering Charge"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Surachate "Big Joke" Hakparn yet again. This is, again just to give some sort of if you want history if you will, the reason we cover him is he became the Head of Immigration at one point which brought him on my radar and then his career in the Thai Police Force has just been so uncanny if you will or incredible in many ways in terms of it is very atypical of a usual Thai Police Officer's career that I have kind of kept track of him over the years. Yet again he doesn't fail to disappoint in terms of News stories. 

I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Deputy Police Chief to face gambling-related money-laundering charge. Quoting directly: "Police have summoned Deputy National Police Chief Pol Gen Surachate to face a money laundering charge in connection with alleged online gambling. A police source said that the National Police Chief Pol Gen Torsak Sukvimol was informed of the notice and agreed with the legal action." Quoting further: "Pol Gen Surachate told reporters later that he was not home and he would have to check the details of the notice." 

As we discussed in other videos, there was initially a summons issued and apparently he wasn't on hand to receive it so there is going to be some delay. Quoting further: "Last week the Deputy National Police Chief denied he was involved with any online gambling network, pointing out that a Court had refused to issue a warrant for his arrest." Quoting further: "Pol General Surachate's lawyer, Nathawit Netijarurote last Tuesday said there were attempts to discredit Pol Gen Surachate because he was now the most senior candidate for the National Police Chief's job. Pol Gen Torsak Sukvimol, the present National Police Chief is due to retire at the end of September this year." 

Now again, how exactly that all plays out remains to be seen; a lot more going on in this story. I urge those who are watching this video, go check out that article in the Bangkok Post because there's a fair bit more nuance in how this summons has been sort of structured if you will and some details underlying that. Long story short as I have discussed in other videos, when you look at this from a sort of careerism perspective, I have just got to say, one man's observation as just kind of a neutral outside observer lo these many years, at the end of the day, "Big Joke " always seems to be something of a survivor. Now again, how this exactly plays out, it looks like it may be a horse of a different colour compared to things that he dealt with and we reported on, on this channel in the past. But that said, at the end of the day as noted he hasn't had an arrest warrant issued, it is more a summons, kind of like an inquiry sort of thing and presumably he's going to go through the motions of having to answer that. Again how this plays out remains to be seen. We will certainly keep you updated on this channel as that situation evolves.