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"Big Joke" "Has One More Legal Card to Play"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Surachate "Big Joke" Hakparn yet again. For those who are unaware, I've been covering his sort of career if you will ever since he became the head of Immigration Police and for those expats who remember that far back, you probably know that he really shook things up in Immigration when he first took over there. And then he has had a quite a colourful career ever since - many ups, many downs - and it looks like things may be coming to an end. He ended up the Deputy National Police Chief, again after a lot of highs and lows in his career, and then we saw a recent suspension. He challenged the suspension and the dismissal from the Thai Police on procedural grounds; that seems to have largely been dismissed.

That said, I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: End of the line for 'Big Joke'. Quoting directly: "Any hope Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn might have had of becoming National Police Chief this year has evaporated with the official announcement in The Royal Gazette of his dismissal from the force." Quoting further: "The high-profile officer known as "Big Joke" was removed from his position due to a pending investigation of a serious breach of discipline, said the announcement." And we covered a lot of that at the time, and for those who are interested or want any insight into sort of the procedural sort of machinations if you will, sort of the procedures and the procedural protocols I should say, not machinations, procedural protocols within the Police, it might be worth looking at some of those past "Big Joke" videos. Quoting further: "The order was retroactive to April 18." Quoting further: "The Royal Gazette announcement, counter signed by Deputy Prime Minister Phumtham Wechayachai, also stated that a Royal Command to dismiss Pol Gen Surachate under Sections 140 and 179 of the Royal Thai Police Act BE 2565, and Police Commission regulations, had been issued." Quoting further: "Pol Gen Surachate has one more legal card to play. He has filed a complaint against the order with the Supreme Court, according to Pol Gen Ek Aungsananon, a member of the Police Commission."

So again, yeah it looks like there's sort of one last ditch effort if you will for “Big Joke” to maybe see some sort of resolution in his favour from the Supreme Court here in Thailand. I'm not going to comment on sort of the odds of that or whether or not that has a chance of approval or the Court issuing an opinion siding with "Big Joke". We will certainly keep you updated on this channel as the situation evolves.