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"Big Joke's" "Smart Safety" Initiative in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, it looks like "Big Joke" is yet again in the news. A lot of people have asked me why we follow him. Well we follow him because quite honestly he has got a lot of interesting stuff going on. He seems to always kind of be in the midst of interesting news especially having to do with Thai Law, Immigration Law etc.

The most recent situation, I was reading an article in the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Smart Safety Policing to get nationwide trial. Quoting directly: "The Smart Safety zone 4.0 (SSZ 4.0) project, piloted by 15 police stations in various provinces to suppress crime, will be expanded nationwide next year, said Assistant Police Chief Lt. Gen. Surachate Hakparn. Funded by the NRCT, the project combines technology such as smart cameras and instant crime alert equipment with public participation in tackling crime. The positive feedback has prompted the Royal Thai Police to expand it nationwide next year. Pol. Lt. Gen. Surachate said Provincial Administration Organizations (PAOs) are expected to allocate a budget of 20 million to support SSZ 4.0 at their local stations." 

So clearly it looks like law enforcement initiatives are getting more technological, they are kind of moving into the 21st century and it looks like the situation is such that there are some parallels here. We did videos towards the end of Big Joke's tenure in the Immigration Division where biometrics were being brought in which really pretty radically and fundamentally changed the Thai Immigration System. If you go back 10 years ago it was very much analog, it was almost an entirely paper-based system quite frankly and it's like night and day now. It is almost like a revolution in the Thai Immigration system where we are seeing a situation where essentially folks have been blacklisted, folks who have overstayed in the past; folks who are on criminal watch, certain kinds of criminal lists and as we have discussed, PIBICS and the APP System, Advance Passenger Processing System, those initiatives, especially coupled with the biometric system, have really kind of borne fruit with respect to law enforcements, in this case Immigration's enforcements, overall capabilities.

Now it is looking like "Big Joke" is kind of moving this stuff over into a broader law enforcement so presumably I would think over the course of the next few years, we would see a situation where this is going to pretty fundamentally change the way law enforcement is conducted here in Thailand and I suspect it will be just as big a change. Well, it will probably be a change on the scale of what we saw with respect to the introduction of biometric readers here in the Kingdom of Thailand.