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Can Free People Ever Trust "The Medical Establishment" Again?

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Wow, as the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the "medical establishment". This is a video that started off in my mind one way, when I first read some of the articles I'm going to quote herein, but it started off basically I was thinking about the whole Cannabis issue here in Thailand and then it just mushroomed out into something bigger and I'll tell you why. 

Personally, I have sort of compartmentalized in my own brain, the events that occurred from roughly quarter one, the end of quarter one of 2020 up through roughly the end or thereabouts of 2022 and even going into 2023. Basically, the so-called lockdowns and everything associated with the so-called pandemic and I use the word 'so-called' because although I don't have definitive answers regarding anything that occurred during this time period, one thing I am definitely aware of and sure of is the fact that things were over exaggerated; numbers, statistics were obfuscated. We were not as a people around the world, this isn't a Thailand specific thing, this was going on in the US, in fact I would argue I think Brett Weinstein from the DarkHorse Podcaster on YouTube talked about at one point the fact that the worst disinformation, misinformation, whatever you want to call it seemed to emanate actually from the US outward. It was not sort of inward pointing toward the US, it sort of emanated outward from the US and I thought that was a very valid sort of observation. And again, I have compartmentalized this and I have not liked the idea of pointing fingers at folks especially here in Thailand because I kind of view this as an outside phenomenon and I felt like the Thais were acting in good faith but that all of us here in Thailand were in many ways misled, let's put it that way, perhaps malicious deceit. I don't know if I quite have enough evidence even in my own mind to exactly presume that although as each passing day goes by, I am starting to really wonder because the whole phrase "safe and effective" seems to almost be an ironic cliché at this point. Let's just leave it there. That said, what are we talking about in this video? What got me thinking of this?

I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Thai Examiner, that is, the article is titled: Condemnation of previous pot policy from medical experts as Thailand's pot shops are set to close. First off Thailand's pot shops are not set to close. Lawmakers are discussing changes to the Law and how such changes would be promulgated under due legislative process here in Thailand, okay? Can we be a little more clear when we are talking about this issue rather than the sensationalist hyperbole and quite honestly the disingenuous information because it's not what's happening here, first off. Secondly, medical experts? And we'll get into this. First off, let's just talk generally about the logical fallacy of what's called 'appeal to expertise' where you basically say, "well these people are experts, and this is what they say, so just do it." If you didn't learn your lessons from COVID about how terrible a philosophy that is for making one's own rational judgments around one's own health, I don't know what to do for you because at the end of the day - I'm going to put a link in the description below to a clip if you will that Jimmy Dore made over on his channel regarding Fauci and how, apparently lie is a kind of a weak word. I mean this is somebody that went on a campaign of dishonesty quite honestly to - I don't know why - to push a medical protocol so that they could make money off of it? Was it just a power trip? Did we end up in sort of a feedback loop, a negative feedback loop? Was it mass formation psychosis? Was it all of the above? Hard to say on that, but what I do know and what has becoming increasingly clear is that there were many actors throughout the world and we will get into this here in a minute, because I don't know, but I often wonder if maybe some of folks are here in Thailand too and I talked about it back at the time. Again I haven't wanted to talk about this particularly but when you appeal to 'medical experts', I have got to bring up a retort because all this medical expertise, I don't know where it got us, other than shutting down our economy for 3 years; taking away tons of civil liberties of people for no good reason that I can see other than it quite frankly an exaggerated cold and flu season, it seems to me, okay? And I think the statistics bear that's out and now we are starting to see the statistics of the so-called vaccine, which I say so-called’’ because prior to this whole thing, the term vaccine had a different definition. The CDC changed the definition in the United States of what a vaccine is. In any event, again getting into this. "Thailand's Minister of Public Health aims to shut down pot shops, reclassifying flowers and buds as Category 5 narcotics." First off, I love that one where they said: "well we're going to allow stems and all of the seeds and everything," so none of the stuff anybody wants to buy; none of the reason that this was done in the first place. That's like and again I have said this before and I'll say it again, if they can just unilaterally classify the flowers of one plant as a narcotic, what keeps them from coming down like a brick bat on florists? I know that sounds somewhat absurd but it's not really. Again, this was delisted under emergency power and as I have said before, I would love to see some kind of Court Adjudication as to whether or not without emergency power they can relist it? That seems to me to be a really good question. Secondly though just so what? A group of people can just get together, half a dozen, a dozen, whatever and they get together and just say "well now tulips are narcotics!" What keeps them from doing that? Again, I have been all for a promulgated law, actual legislation, actual regulation not just "we say so, therefore you are going to do this!" Sorry, that just doesn't seem reasonable under the circumstances. There's no exigent need, there is no emergency, people aren't being killed left and right from this stuff. Meanwhile the stuff the so-called medical experts said was so safe and effective, well go out look at the statistics for yourself on that folks. Quoting further: "Medical experts, (medical experts!) condemn previous Cannabis Policy, citing a surge in psychiatric cases. New stricter medical Cannabis regime proposed." Here's a question for you. How many psychiatric cases come about as a result of the abuse of alcohol? Seriously. And how much health damage is done by alcohol? My big question to these "medical experts" who we are now starting to see these "medical experts" at least in an international context, turned out to have a financial incentive in pushing the protocols associated - I am going to call them 'protocols', I don't like using the word vaccine at this point because I think it is a bit disingenuous frankly - again the CDC changed the name, changed the term, changed the definition. When in doubt, in a very Bolshevik manner, when in doubt change the meaning of words, that's the way you get things done. So again, these protocols that they told people they had to get but now they say well we never told you you had to do it, except for the fact you said you would take away everyone's ability to feed themselves and go about their business if you didn't do it, so let's leave that aside. But you said it was safe and effective and it's turning out that that's not quite the case, one, that's a big one. And again, it was the medical experts that said this stuff, and now these same medical experts - well perhaps not necessarily the same, although I wonder and I'll get to that in a minute - but again medical experts are now telling us that oh before they were telling us "oh it kills people" except it doesn't. Now they're saying "well we have psychiatric events". Okay again, I state again how many times have people gotten drunk and basically you could call them temporarily insane, what is that? Psychiatric event? Come on, come on. Seriously. And then I have to wonder again, Big Alcohol, Big Pharma, they have got big pockets. Are these medical experts in any way incentivized to have this opinion? Quoting further: "As the Minister of Public Health moves towards," again "moves toward a resolution" and yet the title says "pot shops are set to close!" Not the same thing. "Moves toward a resolution to the various issues, it appears that the pot shops are doomed." Who said? You say? I don't see it. "A grace period will certainly be given while flowers and buds will be rescheduled as Category 5 narcotics." Again, the reason people were buying this stuff to begin with, that's the product. Yes there are other byproducts and side products and tertiary products - hemp for example - CBD oils, these things like this, but again these flowers, that's the circus, that's the show that's the Big Show if you will. "At the same time, a new effective regime for private Cannabis medical use will be established." Well again, yeah, they want to bring it into this rubric of medical. Again, and we've seen this the last few years, the medical establishment if you will, wants to pull all of us in under a controlled regime where they tell us what is healthy, they tell us what's good for us, and they tell us what to do. And if you don't believe me, look back the last 5 years. That's exactly what they did; that's exactly what they tried and the reasoning for it was flawed and that's why they failed, but now they are continuing to try to do this to us all, to tell us what to do all the time because they are the "medical experts". "It comes with strong inputs over the last 10 days from the medical establishment." Yeah, I'll bet it does. Again the "medical establishment". Whenever you start hearing the word "establishment", start being worried. Quoting further: "In short, it has castigated the previous Government for its actions." Oh, it's castigated, a bunch of shrinks got together and castigated the prior Government. Neat. You know ,again the verbiage here makes it sound like one thing but when you really break it down, it's like a group of docs who may or may not be financially incentivized to have an opinion against this product, and who by the way I didn't see anything from the last couple of years and who seem to have now magically popped up out of the woodwork when we need a pretext to go ahead and come down on Cannabis like a brick bat, they just magically appear and "castigate" the prior Government. "Significantly, a submission by 63 respected and named doctors claims that psychiatric treatment linked to Cannabis has subsequently exploded. In addition, the President of the Medical Association of Thailand described the current situation as a 'mess' with pot shops on every corner". Well, you know what? Freedom is a little messy. I don't know what to tell you. We don't all have to be on the leash of a bunch of doctors for the rest of our born days. Then meanwhile again, "63 respected and named doctors claim that psychiatric treatment linked to Cannabis has subsequently exploded." Okay so 63 respected and named doctors in the psychiatric field." Now here's a good question. Again, putting up that Jimmy Dore clip, so you see sort of the American counterpart to this whole issue, again I'm going to put that in a link in the description below. I urge folks who are watching this video, go check out that in detail so you can see the levels of quite honestly deception that went into this. Now again, I'm not quite certain that there were anything near those levels of deception occurring here in Thailand because again I think folks were trying to operating good faith and they were essentially operating off of information they thought was valid. So I have tried to kind of not want to blame folks here over this because I think they were acting in good faith, but I am starting to question that when it comes to this issue here. In any event I went over, and Dr Taweesilp, if anybody remembers Dr Taweesilp was sort of the Dr Fauci here in Thailand with the message of the whole COVID pandemic and how we all had to lock down and wear masks which again that was another one, that that was somehow effective; not at all!. The studies have come out; we know this. None of this stuff, none of these protocols were warranted. It really was, it looked to me like something akin to a power grab. I don't know. Maybe it was just again mass formation psychosis, people, humanity doesn't really have a memory and from time to time they just sort of get sucked into these vortexes if you will of negative feedback and maybe that's what happened. But again, there were those who were egging this all on and I have got to say that Dr Taweesilp would in my mind, go to the top of that list. Quoting from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Taweesilp tops reshuffle of senior health officials. "The Cabinet on Tuesday appointed Taweesilp Visanuyothin, an Inspector-General at the Public Health Ministry as the Ministry's Deputy Permanent Secretary as part of the reassignment of senior officials proposed by the Ministry which takes effect on October 1. Dr Taweesilp has been a familiar sight to viewers during televised daily updates on the Coronavirus pandemic as he also serves as spokesman for the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration. Dr Taweesilp was once a spokesman for the Department of Mental Health before assuming a similar role in the Ministry." Which kind of begs the question 'why is a psychiatrist heading up a campaign against infectious disease?' And again, I would love to know, is he one of the psychiatrist's named in this letter? And again, if so I am really starting to wonder, are these psychiatrists trying to sort of manipulate the public toward what they want the outcome to be and are they incentivized in any way toward gaining that outcome, towards seeing that outcome come to fruition? It's a good question. Going over to under the entry for him. Quoting directly: "After his graduation from Khon Kaen University he had worked at Nakhon Ratchasima Psychiatric hospital for 2 years. Afterwards, he studied at the Somdej Chaopraya Institute of Psychiatry and worked as a psychiatrist and lectured there until 1994." Again, I don't know if he's on this list but I don't think it is disingenuous in any way to bring up the fact that during the COVID thing - which okay under the best definition you would call it an over-exaggeration of a massive scale - to not connect these two things analogically. There is an analogy here; there's a connection here; there's a common thread and that is psychiatrists telling the public "we know what's good for you and therefore you need to do it", and I don't really see that that is the underlying truth, that this is good for the country, because Thailand has benefited from the Cannabis Industry. I love how they just dismiss all of the retail level, for lack of a better term, the low level, not the huge money, not big money organizations, no a lot of little people have benefited from this. 

Now at the same time, I'm for licensing. I want to be very clear; I'm for regulation. Again I would like to see a promulgated law and then licensing regulations stemming therefrom. I don't like this idea that "we just tell you what it is". Also something I brought up in another video, I brought up in a video where I said should there be a Constitutional Court ruling on this? I had colleagues tell me that "Hey that's probably not going to be what happens. We are probably going to see a large influx of cases within the Thai Administrative Court because look these initial controlled herb licenses that granted the ability to do what these shops are doing now; those were issued with a 3-year validity so how can they just come in without a promulgated law and abrogate those licenses? I would think that would be a major question for at least the Administrative Court. Again, being a lay person when it comes to Thai Law, I'm not sure if that's a Constitutional Court issue, the whole issue of promulgated law versus just we're changing the Ministerial Regulations because we say so’’. I don't think they have the ability to do that, but again I don't know who would adjudicate that. But long story short, if you have a license for one of these shops, one would think the proper venue for them just saying "well we are not going to respect that license anymore" would be the Admin. Court, it would be the Administrative Court. That said, as much as I am in favour of licensing, there are some arguments to be made that maybe that has its own set of problems.

I thought of that issue when I was reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Cannabis backers urge Minister not to turn back clock. "Dozens of Cannabis advocates urged the Government on Thursday to abandon its plans to relist marijuana as an illegal narcotic, a week after it announced a dramatic policy U-turn just two years after decriminalizing it." Well they didn't decriminalize it, they legalized it and they haven't done a U-turn. A faction of the coalition of the Government has said that they want to. They haven't said it's happening because they don't have the ability to just do that. That's another thing to bear in mind. Yeah, and again, I find it almost sort of subversive and I hate using that word, but I find it almost sort of subversive by the media the way that they're sort of reporting this. They're not being accurate and I don't know if that's a desire to get clicks and they need to be sensationalistic or hyperbolic to get those clicks, but again this is not a foregone conclusion. The Government is hashing this out right now. Quoting further: " Quote: "Even as medical use, don't bring the people's plant into the system. It has been our recipe for hundreds of years. When you need licenses there is corruption" said Prasitchai Nunual, Secretary-general of Thailand's Cannabis Future Network." Well put. I don't necessarily agree that, again it's this whole rubric of we can't have recreational use’’. I'm sorry, I am sick and tired of the Government getting into everybody's business about what they do in their private time, okay? That's not the rule of Government of a free people. The rule of Government of a free people is to yeah perhaps regulate for quality control; yes perhaps regulate, again children? You are going to jail in my opinion. I think we need a law that says that. You sell this product to anybody under 20 here in Thailand, you're going to do some time. That's a good idea. I'm totally for that. Regulation maybe even on sales times and things of that nature; I can entertain the notion of that. But again to just say "oh well we are going to just create new licenses out of thin air". Again, when this was delisted, there was emergency power invoked off of a promulgated law regarding public health. None of that is in play here and they're just saying “well we can just do it!” Well where do you get the authority to just do it? And then again, at the end of the day these licenses and he brings up a good point, which is are they just trying to do this so they can run around shaking down all these shops? are they just talking hyperbolically like this to scare them all so that they will be willing to pay up something? It's a good question. It's a very good question. Meanwhile, this appeal to experts especially the medical establishment, so-called, after we spent years of economic hardship, I literally, I knew people that killed themselves because of what occurred. They couldn't make any money anymore. They were street vendors and things that I later found out, ‘well what happened to so and so?’ Well they're gone! That was because the medical establishment told us all that we had to shut down and that we had to do it because there was an exigent need and in retrospect, we now see that there wasn't such an exigent need and we now see that the so-called solutions pushed by that medical establishment were not exactly in the best interests of the public at large, and this is around the world.

So you will excuse me if I don't find your ‘appeal to expertise’ in this situation all that compelling. What it looks to me like perhaps some folks have been incentivized to perhaps take a position against this product because there are special interests out there that would like to see their profit margins go back to what they were before these changes occurred. That’s what it looks like to me and honestly, if I have got to see this again where we go through another round of “well the doctor said so, so now you have go to go do XYZ’, I am just not putting up with it.