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Emailing Us Is Best

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We see a lot of emails, my staff, the information desk here at the office, they all see a lot of emails that say "Hey, I have been trying to call you. No answer." And then they send us an email. We get emails out within 24 hours oftentimes in the same business day that we receive them. 

Yeah, unfortunately we get a lot of calls and we have a lot of scheduled calls that go on where much of our staff will be on the phone much of the day and unfortunately it clogs up our lines a lot. Sometimes there just aren't even enough people to answer the phones because we are all on them quite honestly. 

One of the best ways to get in touch with us especially if you are contacting us for the first time, with most of our clients where we are talking to them intra-case, or after we have dealt with them for a while, oftentimes they are kind of used to dealing with us which is email us first, set up a time for a call and then we will go ahead and get on the phone and talk to each other; we have never really had an issue with that. But yeah, if you are contacting us definitely for the first time I think it is definitely safe to say it is best to email us.