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Fighting Water with...Water?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing "fighting water with... water!" Hmm! Well the reason for the video is I was reading a recent article from the Thaiger, the, and tip of the hat to those folks over there. I am only going to quote a very small excerpt to just kind of get my take on it and then sort of go from there. I urge those who are watching this video, go read that article in detail; a lot of information in there and they kind of have their own perspective on all of this. The article is titled: Police use water cannons to stop illegal water fight/protest at Democracy Monument. Quoting directly, and again I am just quoting a small piece of this. You can go check this out for yourself: "We knew this would happen. Police using water cannons to 'dampen' protesters defying the water-splashing ban. How ironic." Yes that was exactly what I was thinking.

As they go into in that article in quite a bit more detail than I am going to go into here, there is kind of a political undercurrent to this. That is not really not the bailiwick of this channel and I am not going to get into all of that in this video. The reason is to just kind of chuckle about the irony and also just where we are at with this some two, two years in we are dealing with all of this since the inception of the Emergency Decree in March of 2020. Again, my position on this is we didn't know what this was in March, April, May, even June of 2020 but after the first lockdown, I can't see any reason why we continued with a lot of these policies. When we didn't know what this was, again I don't think there was a lot of data at the time and I think we are starting to see this now, it is coming in to clear focus but there was arguably not very much data to support the policy decisions made globally and I am not picking on Thailand here. The US made a lot of these decisions, other countries did as well and quite frankly they were all not particularly good decisions when they were made. We have seen the economies in our countries be absolutely laid low; a great deal of suffering has befallen people in an economic sense as a direct result of this and notwithstanding sort of media obfuscation or obfuscation on the part of various officials out there in various countries. At the end of the day, the problems in the economy and the so-called supply chains and everything, it all stems from the lockdowns. I mean that is really, maybe not all, there is arguments to be made that there were ancillary effects from other things but when, I thought this was interesting. I was listening to a historian on a podcast a couple of days ago and he brought up the fact even during World War II, they didn't shut down everybody's economy, if anything, the economies were running. It was really quite unprecedented what occurred in 2020 and since which brings us sort of circling back to Thailand. One, I find it highly disconcerting that Songkran has been so heavily, I don't know how you put it, meddled with, disturbed just as an overall holiday here in Thailand. Now we are on our third Songkran dealing with this. Now admittedly, things were better than last year and better than the year before with respect to being left kind of alone or left to our own devices to have a good time over this past holiday but again here we are and you are seeing people using water cannons to stop illegal water fight/protest; again I am not getting into the protest angle of this, I am simply looking at this as okay, if this is policy regarding COVID and if supposedly yet nobody has ever shown me any data as to the amplifying effects of water associated with this whole thing, I don't know, and again it is stated as almost self-evident. What I find fascinating is commonsensical notions that we once took as self-evident or notions of just basic individual freedom that people understood as self-evident are now sort of inverted and questioned as if well "what's wrong with you for thinking that that is just a given?" Then meanwhile some of the most absurd things like I remember somebody telling me: "Well pools obviously amplify the spread of this thing?" How? Why? Where do you get that from? I mean to me a puddle of chlorine is probably going to kill whatever is in it. I mean that is what I would think. Now meanwhile obviously water fighting doesn't involve chlorinated water necessarily, we are not talking pool water, but nobody has provided any data with respect to why, nobody that I have seen and I am happy to stand corrected. I am asking “where is the data that water fighting has any impact on this?”

Moreover, another point to be brought up here is look here we are again. We are two years out of dealing with this. Initially the issue was deaths. Okay, that made some sense, but now it all seems to be circulating around "cases". Cases seem to be the only thing we are worried about. Well last I checked, it's not really the Government’s, any Government's, job to sit around and tell me what I can and can't do because I might get a cold or I might get the flu and I am not saying COVID is either one of those things. What I am saying is if it is as the data seems to suggest now, these latest iterations are as mild as they appear to be, why is it any of the Government's business what people do with respect to their own free time on this issue? I think strong arguments can be made on multiple different fronts with respect to why is it their business period but okay, setting aside certain public health concerns, at the point of which it is no longer clearly an existential threat or at the point of which okay in the beginning I think it is safe to say we didn't know what it was and it turned out not to necessarily be an existential threat, but we didn't know that at the time, so okay I understand the argument of taking certain proportions. We are 2 years out now and if nothing else sums up the absurdity of this, fighting water with water; if water is the problem, you are going to use water to stop it? It just doesn't make any sense to me.