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Has Thailand "Agreed To Share" Information On "Banking Transactions"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Banking and effectively surveillance of banking transactions here in the Kingdom of Thailand. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Pattaya Mail, that is, the article is titled: Does Thailand really want humble expats anymore? Quoting directly: "It's worth recording," before I get into this, I urge those who are watching this video, go check out that article in detail. As usual, many articles from the Pattaya Mail are very, very insightful, so I urge those who are watching this video, go check out that article. Quoting directly: "It's worth recording that Thailand is one of around 140 countries which have agreed to share with each other International banking transactions of individuals under the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development which opposes tax havens and money laundering."

Well first thing I would note, Thailand has never been a tax haven. This whole notion that we need to be doing all of this extra stuff, like for example the surveillance measures on transferring money to people now in Thailand, are just getting ridiculous and I am sure it's a byproduct of the OECD, I have no doubt. Meanwhile, sort of off in the background, BRICS is saying "hey Thailand, come join BRICS." So I wonder what Thailand is going to do if it sort of takes the middle path and adopts both, what? What? Are we going to end up with the tyrannical systems of both of these outsider entities? I would much rather see Thailand just handle its own banking matters nationally and stop caring about what outsiders think or say about how our banking system works. Okay, rant over on that one. 

That said, yeah I think more banking surveillance is going to be likely. And look, these countries share this information with one another through this harmonization, through this platform if you will of the OECD of sharing this information and it's one of those things where they are sort of all if you will, at a nation state level, they are kind of all ganging up on the taxpayers of the world if you will. I love this whole notion of "opposing tax havens and money laundering"!  First of all, with the notion of money laundering, that phrase, that has been one of the most effectively propagandized terms I think I have ever seen. In fact I'm pretty sure it is. I mean even like the notion of a War on Drugs is sort of laughed at in things and satirized but the term "money laundering" which came about as a byproduct of the so-called War on Drugs is looked at it something totally legitimate and I don't find it to be totally legitimate. I do believe people have a right to hide things; I believe people have a right to privacy and not having every little transaction that they conduct be monitored if you will or whatever. 

Meanwhile back to the notion of "money laundering". That whole term was created in 1987 and if you really think about the whole notion, it's the Government saying that they have a right if you will or a vested interest in being a nanny-minder of how you move your own money around. Again I don't necessarily agree that they - yeah okay, hiding money having to do with elicit activities, I get it. I get that there is some form of state interest associated with that but the lengths to which they have gone against people that are just trying to live, to quote The Blues Brothers, "live, drive and survive", I mean the lengths to which they have gone are just ridiculous at this point. I mean all of this totalitarian surveillance. Now they want cashless everywhere and they want to be able to see all the banking transactions. I mean come on, why? Just for your own desire to be a nanny minder? I'm just not buying that there's a bunch of people running around out there, day after day committing tons and tons of illicit transactions and “laundering” money. Again money laundering simply means moving your own money around in a way the Government doesn't like.