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Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing a new website we have launched, This is associated with our CLIPS system, the Cannabis Logistical Information Processing Service, much shorter to just say CLIPS; Legal Information associated with Cannabis and logistical information associated with Cannabis. We believe it's going to be key critical to the business space surrounding Cannabis in the future. If the regulatory system comes online it appears to us that chain of custody issues, documentation associated with these products is going to be key. For this reason, we are basically bringing this system online,, to provide services to clients and to the business community in the Cannabis space associated with maintaining compliance with relevant regulatory rules as well as tax compliance associated with the tax rules pertaining to Cannabis which again are currently in sort of a state of evolution. 

So again, the thing to take away from this video, I think, I have said it in another video where we sort of talked about the housekeeping things that are going to happen here in 2023, Cannabis, the entire topic quite frankly has just gotten too big for the Integrity Legal channel and quite honestly it is not the thrust of the Integrity Legal channel. The Integrity Legal channel was designed, it was my thinking, to provide ongoing information but also to act as something of an archive, a video archive of information associated with legal issues arising in Thailand, the United States, internationally, as well as information pertaining to Immigration both in Thailand and the United States. It was never really designed to really talk, again Cannabis has moved in a very different direction and it is beyond the scope of Integrity Legal. 

So we formed another channel, it's currently called Cannabis News Asia. I would like it to be titled, we are still dealing with YouTube on that one and that's fine, we will figure that out. It really is going to be a new site but again it's going to be Cannabis specific because this is major stuff. These are big changes and it is not necessarily going to all be in a legal vein, so again, I think it is appropriate at this point for it to sort of have its own place on YouTube. For that reason we are going to form this separate channel and we will be doing updates on there. Again it is going to veer in a different direction from standard Integrity Legal, but again we are going to be able to provide information to folks who are in that space and hopefully be of some assistance to folks as well as the Business Community looking to get into this rather dynamic new area in Thailand.