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Legal Casinos in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the possibility of legal casinos here in Thailand.

A recent article from ASEAN NOW, that is, brought this to my attention. The title is: Legal public casinos set for top level government discussions this week. "For decades it has been one of Thailand's hottest of hot potatoes. Now leading Thai Civilized Party founder Mongkolkit Suksintharanon is throwing his weight behind the proposals for a legalized Casino in Thailand." Quoting further: "He published details on his Facebook page how the issue will be raised on Thursday in the House. His comment was "time to stop hiding" and "bring the issue to the top table". 

So interesting. We have kind of been talking about this every now and again, occasionally, when it kind of comes up in the news. I somewhat liken it to, I did a lot of talk about “travel bubbles” during 2020 even into 2021 for a little while, it never really came to fruition. These casinos, they do continuously seem to discuss it and oftentimes there never seems to be any momentum behind it. My personal opinion is I think this might get some momentum mostly due to the fact that look, the tourism sector is really suffering. There are major short falls in what we are used to in the tourism economy and casinos might be viewed by folks in the Parliament as a way to assuage that. Now whether or not that is correct, there are arguments for and against legalized gambling. I personally have worked in the gaming sector and there are positives and negatives. There are benefits and there are drawbacks to legalizing gambling and you have to be careful when you are doing it. 

That said, it is interesting that this is being brought up and we will certainly keep folks updated especially if there are developments with respect to the possibility of new legislation on this topic. We will definitely keep folks updated on this topic as the situation evolves.