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Let's Get Back to Entertaining the World

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing entertainment. I got to thinking of this video when reading a recent article from ASEAN NOW, that is, the article is titled: Government Seeking Effective Measures To Reopen Night Entertainment Venues. Quoting directly: "Authorities are exploring effective COVID-19 prevention measures for nightclubs, bars and the other night entertainment venues if they are allowed to reopen." Quoting further: "According to Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul, the Public Health Committee has met with the Department of Disease Control to discuss ways to ensure that these night entertainment venues do not become COVID-19 clusters once their businesses resume operations."

Well at a certain point aren't we just going to have to just live with this? At what point do we just live with this? or just because disease exists, it calls for constant government intervention into businesses day-to-day activities. Is that the theme I am starting to pick up at this point, at this late date, 2 years and 2 months from the beginning of all of this? That is what we are going to, is a kind of constant oversight because "disease"? Just "because disease?" Because disease exists! Because there is a disease out there, it spreads around really easily, we are just going to continuously "meddle", I don't think there is another really good word for it, meddle in your internal business operations. By the way after two years in the tourism business and the entertainment sector, after 2 years of essentially just completely locking down your businesses, decimating overall business productivity, decimating big sectors of the economy, this is what we are thinking of doing? I just don't understand why we are going to continue down this road. To what end? And it is good, we are moving forward and I am glad, yeah okay there is a debate; there are people I don’t agree with on the other side of this; I understand the Government has to do this balancing act but honestly, it is 2 and a half years almost now. We really need to just move on; we have got to get our entertainment sectors reopened. Thailand entertains the world. It is one of the great entertainment places on earth and we need to get back to doing what we do best: Tourism, entertainment. And that's not the only thing in Thailand’s sort of economic repertoire, let's be clear Thailand's GDP is made up of a lot of exports, agriculture. Thailand has got a good economy. It is not just a wholly tourism based economy but when 20% or roughly 20% of overall GDP comes from tourism and you have cut it off for two years, at a certain point you just have to say "Look, we are going to have to take certain inherent risks that everyone takes simply by living their lives, we are just going to have to deal with that again and move on and put this behind us."