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"Magic Mushrooms" And Opium Legalized In Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing so-called "magic mushrooms". These are mushrooms containing what is called psilocybin as well as opium which we all know what that is, the product of poppies that is the basis for opioids like morphine and all kinds of stuff, painkillers various sorts. I've been hesitant to make this video, notwithstanding, I actually was aware of The Royal Gazette publication on this sometime ago. This is actually one of the ones I like to pump my brakes on and actually have folks - mostly my people here in the office - really drill down into before I start really talking about it out here on YouTube, out here on the ether that is the internet. That's why I am not going to cite anything in this video. 

That said, we do have a promulgated Royal Decree, or excuse me a publication in the Royal Thai Gazette pertaining to these issues but again when we see stuff like this come out, there is a bit of a lag between okay what's the raw law versus how it is going to be implemented, and the regulations associated therewith. So my point is, probably not a good idea to run out and grab up a bunch of "magic mushrooms" or a 'big ball of dope', to use the terminology of Al Swearengen in the old series "Deadwood", you probably don't want to go out and do that because this is not a situation like Cannabis where Cannabis from one day to the next, because of the initiative of the former Public Health Minister, Anutin Charnvirakul, where he kind of pulled some legislative magic if you will, or sort of a I don't know how you put it, it was kind of a pulling a rabbit out of a hat, I don't know how you would say it other than he did some quick legislative work, insofar as he had emergency powers, he used those emergency powers to pull Cannabis off the narcotics list. Then the Emergency Decree ended and notwithstanding the fact that we didn't have any kind of law pertaining to Cannabis to that point, it was legal because pursuant to what is called the Doctrine of Codification which is sort of the basic foundation of the Civil Law, as I understand it as a Common Law expert looking through the prism of Comparative Law, the Doctrine of Codification dictates that in order for something to be illegal in a Civil Law system it has to be codified. You actually have to promulgate a law to make it illegal. That has not occurred so therefore it is legal, so in point of fact, notwithstanding the fact he was using emergency powers, he effectively legalized cannabis. That's not what's going on here. This is much more strictly reviewed; this is much more strictly scrutinized and I expect there is going to be a lot more strict enforcement regarding the laws and regulations pertaining to these issues. 

So what do you need to take away from this video? Don't run out and think that this is just legal now you can do whatever that you want. It's going to take a minute I think before we see how this shakes out, exactly under what circumstances folks are going to be prescribed what I can only describe as these new medications because that is what it looks to me like albeit they are sort of a more herbal type of remedy or traditional type of remedy, if you want to look at it that way. Again this is not the same thing as what happened with cannabis. So understand that it is probably best if you are interested in these products, take a moment, sort of take a deep breath and wait until we see exactly what the regulatory structure is going to look like pertaining to this issue.