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Is This The Next Phase After A "Digital Wallet"?

Transcript of the above video: 

As the title of this video notes, we are discussing the issue of the Digital Wallet. I thought about making a far longer video on this this time. I am not going to because I think it's kind of beating a dead horse a little bit. But long story short, one of my favourite economists here in Thailand recently wrote up an Editorial in the Bangkok Post. I urge those who are watching this video go check that out, but some other tangential things. I mean we are concentrating on the debt associated with the Digital Wallet, the mechanisms associated with it; the surveillance associated with it; the fact that it is not real money, all of those issues, but I wanted to stop and make a video: "What's the aftermath of this?" 

I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from, the article is titled: European Commission investigates the idea of an EU Asset Registry. Quoting directly: "The European Commission is investigating the idea of an EU Asset Registry. It has published a tender for a "Feasibility Study for a European Asset Registry in the Context of the Fight [against Money Laundering] and Tax Evasion." Ooohhh!! Money Laundering which is something that did not exist prior to 1987 in the legal sense, and "tax evasion" which is you are not letting us steal your money as the Government efficiently enough I guess. And again in terms of terms of art in the American vernacular, there is a big difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. That said, quoting further: "The tender specifies to "aim at exploring how to collect and link information available from various sources on asset ownership." Let me say that again: "Aim at exploring how to collect and link information available from various sources." You think they are not going to use the information from a Digital Wallet to track all your assets and things? Quoting further: "Land registries, company registers, trust and foundation registers, central depositories of securities ownership, etc. and analyze the design, scope and challenges for an EU Asset Registry." It would make it so much easier if they could just track and trace all the underlying money itself. You can see where they are going with this. It's not a conspiracy; it's not outlandish to make the inferences of where this is going to go next once they have total control, total surveillance. Quoting further: "With regards to which assets would be registered, the document published in July notes: 

"The possibility to include in the registry data related to the ownership of other assets such as cryptocurrencies, works of art, real estate and gold, shall also be considered."

Well what a shock. They're coming after everything folks. The bureaucrats have spent too much of your money and they don't have enough of it anymore and the wheels are falling off of the wagon. There is not enough oil to oil up the tinman anymore, in the form of the current sitting President - wheel him out to do his little thing. At the end of the day they are out of money. And they are looking for any means by which to get yours and one of the best ways they think they can do it is by tracking and tracing all of your financial transactions and taking away all of your privacy.

That's the end game here. They're not hiding. They will tell you, the World Economic Forum says: "you will own nothing and be happy." They talk about how great surveilling you all the time financially is going to be. Don't kid yourself, don't be naïve. You need to look at this for what it is and quite honestly if you're not in favour of this and if you haven't noticed I'm not, you need to start saying something about it even to your Members of Parliament here in Thailand. We are still going through the readings of the Digital Wallet Bill; it has passed reading one but it has another two readings it's my understanding, so that is not a foregone conclusion. Let's talk to our Representatives. Why are you putting the country in two orders of magnitude more debt than exists currently in the entire banking system? Why do you want to do that? Is liquidity necessary? As discussed, Mr. Parasuk in the Bangkok Post was doing an editorial here recently where he even noted that if you do this, you are going to draw off what little liquidity is in the natural economy which could lead to the crash itself, the very thing you say or the faction that wants this says, is their endeavour to prevent, it could actually do it. So let's think long and hard about doing this. Again, I will probably keep making videos on this as this situation evolves.