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The Politics of Saturday Night

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing what I was recently watching in the film Air America of all things. I was watching Air America the other day with Robert Downey Jr. and Mel Gibson. I really do enjoy that film a lot especially the soundtrack, that soundtrack from the '60s; it is all almost kind of cliché now. It is a lot of CCR and things like that but it was good movie. It is actually a rather funny movie, also kind of an enlightening movie with respect to what was going on in Southeast Asia back in the day but there is a back and forth between Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr. where Mel Gibson is asking Robert Downey Jr. who is kind of the young rookie why he has kind of gotten on board with the Cold War against communism. Basically Robert Downey Jr. says: "Well you know it really wasn't a political thing for me. It was the politics of Saturday night. When I thought of the world, it didn't sound to me like there was a lot of fun going on in Moscow or Beijing or Hanoi on a Saturday night and I thought that the places where people were having fun on a Saturday night, that was kind of the place I wanted to be in. I wanted to be on the side of the right side if you will, the correct side if you will, of the politics of Saturday night." 

I really got to thinking about this and it makes some sense. I have really got to say I do not want to live in a "New Normal" where you can't have any fun anymore without being poked and prodded and shunted around like you are some kind of livestock to where you need to go and what you need to do and how far away you need to stand or sit from people etc., etc. That not only to me is absolutely mortifying, but I think it is also morally wrong. I understand maybe certain things are necessary under exigent circumstances but I keep thinking back to that quote and I have kept thinking back to that quote the last few days, “what side are you on with respect to the politics of Saturday night?” I mean from a paradigm standpoint, the people that like to have, the places and the societies that are having a good time on Saturday night are probably pretty nice places to live. Meanwhile the places that are moribund and just sort of Orwellian on a Saturday night, are probably not some place you want to be the rest of the week. So I just kind of thought of that when I was watching Air America and it just seemed like it all kind of came together so I thought I would make a video. 

It is just something I have been thinking about but hopefully and it is more and more I have to say, Thailand is moving ahead especially here in Bangkok but Pattaya as well, moving ahead with getting back to being on the correct side of the politics of Saturday night.