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"Rainbow Economy Had Tremendous Potential" For Thai Economy?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing sort of the LGBT issues associated with certain discussion here in Thailand regarding the possibility of same-sex marriage. Quoting directly from the Pattaya Mail, that is, the article is titled: Pattaya's gay celebrations have huge commercial investment. Quoting directly: "June 2024 is slated to be Thailand's biggest ever pride event with making money the key element." Yeah as it should be the key element. "Central Pattana (CPN) which is listed on the Thai Stock Exchange and owns the Central Pattaya Mall - the world's largest natural beachfront shopping centre - knows the score. Chief Marketing Officer, Nattakit Tangpoonsinthana said the Rainbow Economy had tremendous potential especially as the international gay market was rich and loved luxury." I like how they just get to the point on that one, don't they? Quoting further: "The legalization of gay marriage is expected before the end of this year." 

Yeah that has been something we have been talking about for a while. It has kind of been one of these things that we have been waiting on it for a while and it seems like it is kind of overdue; so it remains to be seen if it happens. But that being said, I think it's fairly likely it will. I don't think it is imprudent to presume we would see legalization of same-sex marriage here in Thailand at least within the next year and a half, but possibly by the end of this year. I think that's definitely possible. And look, the Thai economy does profit from that sector. And as noted in that article, these are folks that do have disposable income, they have disposable funds, disposable capital, they like, enjoy Thailand. Thailand is a very tolerant place when it comes to people's lifestyle choices; it's pretty "live and let live." So yeah it is kind of one of those 'two great tastes that taste great together', and I think that all of this could be a major boon for the Thai economy moving forward.