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Regulatory Structure for Cannabis in Thailand Soon?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the possibility of a regulatory structure popping up with respect to Cannabis here in Thailand. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from ASEAN NOW, that is, the article is titled: Kratom Laws published, Cannabis and hemp next. "Two other plants, cannabis and hemp, were decriminalized on June 9th, but the Bill on Cannabis and hemp, which passed its first reading in the house on June 9th, is still pending with the House Scrutiny Committee." Quoting further: "Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul told a meeting in Chiang Rai province on August 20th that he expects the Bill to be returned to the house for its second and final readings this month (August)." So interesting. At the time of this video we are still in August; it remains to be seen if we will see that happen.

As of now we are kind of in a nebulous situation with respect to cannabis here in Thailand because it was just decriminalized. As we discussed in other videos, in a Civil Law country when something isn't criminal, it is by default basically legal; it's kind of the way to look at it. That is not quite the nuance that I think most Civil Law jurisdiction attorneys would like it to be put in such terms, but conceptually that is not a bad place to kind of start when you are doing the analysis on this kind of thing. Yes there is a Law that does regulate cannabis and hemp products that is currently in place right now but it's definitely a bit, well it's pretty opaque, I'll put it that way, what we are looking at in terms of a regulatory structure. Then meanwhile we have going on with Anutin, the Deputy Prime Minister as well as the Public Health Minister also been talking about the possibility of even more lax laws rolling out even for recreational use, so again these things remain to be seen.  It does seem to be moving that way here in Thailand. The momentum seems to be behind more opening up of the Cannabis sector as an industry but the exact permutations of how this is going to play out over roughly the next couple of months and even the next year, again I don't think you can say anything as a foregone conclusion at the moment but there is kind of a momentum that you see that has built up that it seems like everything is moving kind of in a certain direction. Long story short I think we are probably going to see a regulatory structure sooner rather than later.