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Should Thailand "Act Now to Lure International Investors"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing possible investment in Thailand. I got to thinking about this from an article from the Bangkok Post that is, the article is titled: Agro tycoon weighs in on post-COVID recovery. Quoting directly: "Tycoon Dhanin Chearavanont is urging the Government to speed up its Coronavirus recovery efforts in four areas to ensure that Thailand survives and thrives as soon as the pandemic is over.” This person they are quoting is the Senior Chairman of Charoen Pokaphand, the CP Group, he is a pretty big business person here in Thailand. Quoting further: "Lastly the Government should act now to lure International investors to return to Thailand before its neighbors or else the Kingdom will be left behind he said." 

I thought there was a lot of truth in that. Thailand, as I have noted in a number of videos, this lockdown has really had a tremendous downward drag effect on the economy. I mean it has been harrowing to say the least. I do think it would probably be a good idea and there are a lot of investment opportunities out there for folks that are looking to come into Thailand. Things are I think starting to turn around as of the time of this video with respect to things like lockdown. Hopefully we will be seeing some fundamental changes to the business environment here in Thailand in coming weeks and months. One, those looking to invest in Thailand, it would be a good time to have a look and for those who are wondering what is going on over here, hopefully we are going to see things starting to turn around sooner rather than later.