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So Thailand's Proposed Digital Wallet Will "Track Fines"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the Digital Wallet yet again. I don't really want to be harping on this but I am tremendously afraid of this thing. I don't think people have thought about it enough; I don't think people recognize the ramifications of what would happen if this thing were to just be sort of rolled out. 

I've discussed at length in other videos especially issues related to Gresham's Law and how "bad money drives out good", but I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post print edition, we'll go ahead and put this up on screen. I have been asked in the past ‘why do you put up print edition articles?’ Well oftentimes the Bangkok Post will have these little blurbs in their print edition that they will either stick into longer articles, so they are kind of hard to find, or they just won't be in their online presence, so I do like to read the Bangkok Post print edition from time to time just to occasionally get these extra little nuggets. Let me throw this up here. Digital Wallet app quote 'can track fines'. Quoting directly: "Unpaid traffic tickets may be tracked using the Tang Rat, an application established for assessing the Digital Wallet scheme, according to app users. The revelation came after a Facebook post went viral, in which a user claimed to have downloaded the app to obtain the government-sponsored 10,000 baht Digital Wallet handout. The user found unpaid traffic tickets popping up in the app." Well neato crew!! Wow. So you mean I wasn't wrong that this was a totalitarian surveillance technology that was going to be utilized to track and trace you and tax you on every little thing and now impose fines upon you? Quoting further: "The message, which was widely shared, attracted a slew of comments in which other social media users said they were also reminded of outstanding traffic tickets by the app." Quoting further: "The Tang Rat App was developed with links to state welfare and financial services such as the Social Security Fund, Universal Health Insurance and the Credit Bureau."

You know it is starting to sound an awful lot like Social Credit Scoring to me. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas; it's beginning to look a lot like totalitarian Communism straight from the CCP. I mean I don't wish to be hyperbolic but that is not hyperbole. China has this. It's horrible. Okay? It's totalitarianism. Thailand doesn't need any of this, okay? Yeah would it be nice if we could collect traffic fines with a little more efficiency? Yes, but at what cost? Of all of our freedoms as Thais? Is that what it's going to cost? To my mind it's just not worth it. Couple that with the fact that we're supposed to go in debt to the tune of basically the next two years’ worth of budgets and the liquidity that already exists in the banking system for a "stimulus" the economy doesn't really need, and you leave me sitting here wondering what is the purpose of this thing other than making us pay for our own chains, that's what it looks like to me.