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Thai Baht Rising as "Funds Are Flowing Back to Asia"?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the Thai Baht currency on the rise. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Thai Examiner, that is, the article is titled: Sea change in US markets sees baht rice sharply. Ailing Thai economy still ekes out tepid growth. Quoting directly: "Ung Ing, (that's the current Prime Minister's nickname) takes charge as Business Leaders are buoyed by the retention of Pichai Chunhavajira and his team. All eyes will be on the new Government's Economic Policy amid a fast-rising Baht. With the stronger currency impacting exports and tourism, fiscal policy and investment decisions by the new Government are crucial for stability and even maintaining marginal growth."

Yeah, I'm always very skeptical of the notion that really a lot of Government intervention is all that necessary and/or helpful. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Thailand has a very different history with these things. Top down initiatives tend to be done differently here but it's a system that sort of works, not this sort of imported Keynesianism, interventionism notion that has come from the so-called liberal West which in my opinion, the proof is in the pudding as to whether or not those methodologies really work or not. That said, quoting further: "The Thai Baht made a resounding comeback against the US dollar in the last week. In short, it ended last week 9.81% up on the dollar since May 1st. The rise comes with a sea change in financial sentiment sparked by weakening US data. Suddenly, funds are flowing back to Asia, with the recovery seen in Bangkok’s Stock Exchange of Thailand."

Yeah, long story short and this is not a dig on America per se, my personal opinion is barring some serious transition mode we are going to have to go through to get our economy sort of back in line with the realities of the world, I think the United States' long-term prospects are great. Now the greater West, especially Western Europe I'm not so sure. They're kind of stuck in a holding position operating as if they are out of a different era almost. The EU does things now that the Soviet Union would have, in their wildest dreams, would have never been able to do, and they continue to do it. Not to get too deep into this but locking up people for things like speech crimes and things; I mean it's getting pretty crazy over there. Then meanwhile, as far as economic dynamism goes, look Eurasia and East Asia this is where the action is going to be, I mean by any metric you look at it. Meanwhile all of the new rail infrastructural projects, Thailand itself has been pursuing its own infrastructural projects here in the Kingdom and we are going to see more trade go through here as it increasingly becomes an entrepôt for international business. Meanwhile, as we have discussed in other videos, there's the talk of this new land bridge coming in, rail connections throughout the region. I mean it's really not going to be all that surprising to me to watch the Baht become sort of stronger over time. Now that said, it does have ramifications for both the export sector and the tourism sector because as the Baht gets stronger, things get more expensive in export terms, and it becomes more expensive to come over here and be a tourist here in Thailand.

That said, these things have a tendency to go up and down. Am I overly worried for the long-term? No, but again we are going to see some transition phases as time moves forward with the changes to not only the economic outlook of the West, but the geo-political situation worldwide and the geo-economic relationship changes as we see Eurasia rise and increasingly industrialize. That stated, the outcome of this remains to be seen and we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as the situation evolves.