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A Thai Free Trade Agreement With the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)?

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As the title of this video suggest, we are discussing, well basically Thailand getting into a new Free Trade Agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Thailand ready to start free trade negotiations with EAEU. Quoting directly: "Thailand is ready to start to negotiations on concluding a Free Trade Agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai announced this on July 24 following a meeting with Armon Issetov, Kazakhstan's Ambassador to Thailand. Both sides discussed ways to promote bilateral cooperation in various areas of mutual interest, particularly trade, investment, and tourism." Quoting further: "Apart from trade promotion activities organized by the Commerce Ministry such as trade fairs and business negotiations via online channels, both sides." Quoting further: "The Thai side also express readiness to start negotiations on the FTA with the EAEU and wished to seek Kazakhstan’s support on this matter." 

So this is pretty major piece of news. I mean Thailand has been talking to a number of different organizations including the OECD, the BRICS, now the EAEU; they're getting ready to also host BIMSTEC which is sort of the Bay of Bengal kind of Economic, it's not really a Union by any stretch right now but I would say it's sort of a platform for discussion, a forum if you will. Again, a lot of things are going on and Thailand kind of gets to be involved with all of them. I have said this before, and I will say it again, I look at it as if Thailand is sort of standing in the middle of a kaleidoscope and everything spinning around them and everything is sort of changing but fundamentally Thailand is not going to really change internally, it is sort of the world changing around it. Generally speaking, I think it's always good; trade is always a good thing. 

Now that said, it remains to be seen whether or not this Free Trade Agreement will be finalized but we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as the situation evolves.