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Thai Marriage Equality Bill Could Be Enacted Soon?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the Marriage Equality Bill. It does appear that same-sex marriage is going to well may be possible here in Thailand subsequent to changes in the law. Now bear in mind as a preface to the rest of this video, remember we have been talking about this for quite a while. Now I think Thai lawmakers are fairly, I think it is safe to say that they are sincere in their discussions of marriage equality here in Thailand but we have yet to see any actual promulgated legislation and there does appear to be a continuing discussion over whether or not it should be a Marriage Oct or Civil Unions; there still seems to be some concern there. 

That said, I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Pattaya News, that is, the article is titled: Thailand moves closer to Marriage Equality Bill. Quoting directly: "The Government has indicated that the process of amending the Marriage Equality Law has already been 70% completed." Quoting further: "The Marriage Equality Bill Committee said it is proceeding carefully and expects to complete the consideration within the committee stage in another month. It is anticipated that the draft law will be ready for consideration by the Senate's agenda in time." 

So interesting that it seems like there is getting to be some momentum behind this but again it is not a foregone conclusion and I would urge those, as much as I think that some enthusiasm is warranted in terms of these developments that hey it looks like they are starting to change the law, again it is not a foregone conclusion. And we have heard this before; we have seen years go by where they have talked about it. I remember even under the NLA, the National Legislative Assembly, as we were seeing the changeover in the Government after the 2019 election if I recall correctly, they were talking about it then and then the NLA closed and they say "oh it just didn't get done", then they talked about it a lot through the next Parliaments and again it just didn't get done. So again I am not trying to be cynical or overly negative on the prospects of this but I think it is well warranted that people remain realistic about whether or not this is actually going to happen. 

That said, good news, it's good to hear in terms of seeing this possibly through, but it remains to be seen if it will actually be promulgated here in the Kingdom of Thailand.