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Thai Officials Target IP Piracy?

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We are discussing intellectual property in this video, IP. The reason I thought of making this video is I read a recent article in the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Department ramps up piracy inspections as tourists return. Quoting directly: "The Intellectual Property Department vows to tighten its inspection of pirated products, especially in tourist destinations as they are projected to proliferate after the country's reopening." Quoting further: "According to Deputy Director-General Jittima Srithaporn, the Department recently had discussions with the Royal Thai Police, the Department of Special Investigation, the Customs Department, owners of trading areas and Intellectual Property (IP) owners to set guidelines for the supervision, protection and suppression of IP violations."

A major kind of policy shift I have kind of witnessed over the course of about the last sixish years, 5-6 years has been a real crackdown by Thai Authorities on IP piracy. This was something you would see frequently on the streets in Thailand; DVD vendors selling pirated DVDs. Now I won't say that the sort of overall business environment of intellectual property hasn't shifted and caused a major change. With streaming services and things especially as affordable as they are, the era of coming to Thailand and wanting to buy a big brick of pirated DVDs, that has kind of come and gone. We are not really using that sort of material like we once were. But still IP Piracy was an issue. Thailand took it seriously. I know US counterparts were rather concerned about this in the past few years and Thailand made a major effort to go after this and you can really see it. There just isn't the proliferation of pirated intellectual property that there once was here in Thailand and I suspect that will probably be the case moving forward.