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Thai "Senate Passes" Marriage Equality Bill?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing in the fact that it appears that the Thai Senate has in fact passed the Marriage Equality Bill. I thought about making this video after reading a recent article from the Bangkok Post,, the article is titled: Senate Passes Landmark Bill Recognizing Marriage Equality. Quoting directly: "The Senate passed the final reading of a Marriage Equality Law on Tuesday, paving the way for the country to become the third country in Asia to recognize same-sex couples after Nepal and Taiwan. The Senate approved 130 to 4 to pass the Law with 18 abstentions." So okay, the Law has now gone through the Lower House and the Senate." Quoting further: "It will be sent to the Palace for Royal Approval. The law will come into force 120 days after it is published in The Royal Gazette."

So it remains to see Royal Assent and then publication in the Royal Gazette, but that said, presuming those occur, we could see marriage equality or same-sex marriage here in Thailand perhaps by the end of the year, by the end of the calendar year. It's possible we could see this by the end of calendar year 2024. 

Now that's not necessarily a foregone conclusion. There could be other things that could pop up that could hinder that; those remain to be seen. That said, we will certainly keep you updated on this channel as that situation evolves.