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Thailand's First Mover Advantage In Cannabis?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing "First Mover Advantage" with regard to Cannabis. What are we talking about here? Well Thailand made some pretty major moves with respect to the legalization of Cannabis; I've done a number of videos on that. I urge those who are watching this video, if you're seeing me for the first time talking about Cannabis, go to the search function of our channel and just type in Cannabis and you'll see everything we have been talking about, about this going back years actually; I have been following this for some time.

I'm talking about this purely if you will, from an economic standpoint. One thing that I don't think policy makers are thinking about in terms of Cannabis is the fact that Thailand made the first move and Thailand is in a very advantageous position with regard to its ability to not only cultivate Cannabis but also it's a geographic location insofar as logistics down the road as this product in my opinion, becomes more widely accepted around the world, and quite honestly the backwards laws that have been implemented, primarily at the insistence of Western Governments are slowly kind of being dismantled over time and people are starting to see "hey wow, there are some real benefits to Cannabis." It's not this scourge that's been made out since Reefer Madness came about some years, decades ago. It is not this scourge that many people view it as. As a result, I think as time goes by, Cannabis products are going to be increasingly in high demand throughout the world. Thailand was the first to move on this in a major, major way and begin exploiting this product quite honestly as a cash crop. 

Now I understand presently there is something of a glut in the market, mostly because of the nature of the legalization some two years ago, but the thing to take away from this video and understand is yes that may be the case. We may be seeing a situation right now where overproduction and the lack of a lot of foreign markets are creating a situation that is not optimal in the Cannabis space. But long term I think, especially if policy makers will look at the long term ramifications of having been the first to move and as I will get into in another video made contemporaneously with that one, maintaining comparative advantage regarding a product that exists here in Thailand, and that Thailand has in my opinion a lot of advantages in terms of agronomy and an ability to produce this cash crop in large volumes. I think long term that folks will understand the "First Mover Advantage" is not only important, but could be the key to a lot of fiscal and economic benefits, a lot of boons if you will, coming to the Kingdom of Thailand.